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“只在马戏团里看过,”弗洛西说。"Only in a circus, " said Flossie.

噢,你看你,这可是你最好的外套了。"Oh, look what you did! "cried Flossie.

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我也非常感谢我们的狗“弗洛西”。A big thank you also to our dog, Flossie.

“无论如何,现在该轮到我坐在窗边了,”弗洛西说。"It's my turn to sit by the window, anyhow, " said Flossie.

当这对夫妻离异时,这位女星赢得弗洛西领养权。During their divorce, the actress argued for rights to keep Flossie.

还是那个声音,但弗洛西是个男人,一张面具遮着他的脸。The voice was the same, but Flossie was a man. His face was hidden by a mask.

飓风弗洛西至今仍在夏威夷大岛上盘桓,但是已不足为惧。Hurricane Flossie is still roaring toward Hawaii's Big Island, but it's not as strong.

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他腿一挺,就开始颤抖,看起来跟我女儿癫痫发作时一模一样。Flossie was just stiff-legged and shaking, and he looked just like my daughter when she had her seizure.

我和弗洛西来到紧挨着这个房间的那个屋子。Flossie and I moved down to the next room, the one right next to the one where I thought I’d seen the girl.

伯特和囡,快要九岁了,还有弗洛西和弗雷迪,差不多五岁。There were two pairs of twins, Bert and Nan, nearly nine years of age, and Flossie and Freddie, almost five.

弗洛迪和弗洛西在这里呆的时间相对要长些,因为囡的伯特已经长大,不再满足于这种简单的游戏。Flossie and Freddie played there more than did Nan and Bert, who were growing too old for games of that sort.

很显然,至少一两周以来,只有我和弗洛西进过这个房间。But it was pretty clear that no one but me and Flossie had been in that room for a week or two, if not longer.

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飓风弗洛西仍在向夏威夷岛逼近,但是随着其威力的减弱,风暴也降级。Hurricane Flossie is still roaring toward Hawaii's Big Island, but it's not as strong. The storm was downgraded.

我和弗洛西来来回回地察看了大厅的所有房间,但没有找到小姑娘,也没发现什么别的东西。Flossie and I searched the rest of the rooms up and down that hall, and we never did find that girl, or anything else.

夏威夷正饱受着弗洛西飓风的摧残同时飓风的风眼刚刚登陆到格南部大岛上。Hawaii is being battered by the outer bands of Hurricane Flossie as the storm's eye passes just south of the Big Island.

在我录克洛伊的旁白时,我甚至把克洛伊和弗洛西的照片放在面前,以便更进入状况。I even put pictures of Chloe and Flossie in front of me while I was recording the voice-over to get into the dog mindset.

“不,我们不会,”弗洛西马上表示反对,好像随时准备着与别人争论,也许是因为太累,所以变得有点烦躁了。"No, we wouldn't, " declared Flossie , who seemed bound to start a dispute. Perhaps she was so tired that she was fretful.

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“那个座位是你的,伯特,”父亲建议说,“你可以坐那里,让弗洛西或弗雷迪坐你的位置。”Bobbsey, as a gentleman got up, when the train approached a station. " You can sit there, and let Flossie or Freddie take your place."

当你对你的孩子们、隔壁的邻居,姨妈采用这一技巧,你将会惊异于自己将会听到的故事。You'll be amazed by the stories you'll hear when you use this simple strategy with your children, your next-door neighbor, your aunt Flossie.

“但我是男孩子,”弗雷迪继续说,弗洛西无法反驳了。“通常都是男孩子拿东西的,”她哥哥继续说,“我来拿杯子。”"Well, anyhow, I'm a boy, " went on Freddie, and Flossie could not deny this. "And boys always carries things, " her brother went on. "I'll carry the cup. "