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一些音乐学家贬低李斯特的作品。Some musicologists depreciate Liszt's compositions.

为什么继续?就让我躺在这里折旧吧。啊。Why go on? Just let me lie here and depreciate. Uhhh.

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以为跑车,奢华的越野车折价得最多吗?Think sports cars and flashy SUVs depreciate the most?

它就是要通过贬值来走出目前的困境。It will just depreciate its way out of the current mess.

汽车,特别是新车,买来就开始贬值。Cars do nothing but depreciate in value especially new ones.

他建议买二手车,因为车贬值很快。He suggests a slightly used car because cars depreciate quickly.

但是房子就不会这样轻易贬值,并且能够多次出售。But a home does not depreciate in this way, and can be resold many times.

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事实上,如果欧元下跌,人民币甚至有可能相对美元贬值。In fact, the RMB could even depreciate against the USD if the Euro declines.

他说,如果美元开始迅速贬值,外国的中央银行很可能会出面干预。If it starts to depreciate too quickly, foreign central banks are likely to intervene, he said.

想必没人愿意看它一直贬值下去吧,搞不好又回到了通货膨胀的灰色岁月。You don't wanna have it depreciate all the time, and that goes back to the bad old days of inflation.

若港元对人民币贬值,会较易吸引内地游客来港消费。If Hong Kong dollars depreciate against with RMB, it is easy to attract more China tourist to visit Hong Kong.

在未来3年,投资所使用的货币兑新元是升值,还是贬值。Whether if the currency invested will appreciate or depreciate against the Singapore dollar in the next 3 years.

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由于国内需求的低迷,大多数发达国家将愿意看到他们的货币贬值。Given sluggish domestic demand, most countries in the developed world would like to see their currencies depreciate.

只是在销售压力之下,有部分商家采取降价促销的手段,以求出货套现。Only in sales pressure, have partial businessman take depreciate sales promotion means, in order to delivery to cash.

嫉妒是个瞎子,除了贬低别人的优点之外啥也不知道---T。李维,罗马历史学家。Envy is blind and knows nothing except how to depreciate the excellence of others---Titus Livins Livy, Roman historian.

卢卡奇之后的思想家,无论是对总体性策略的褒扬,还是贬损,都显示了这一策略不可忽视的理论和实践的价值。The thinkers after Lukacs, whether canonize or depreciate for totality method all showed the value of the theory and practice.

如果不颂场,如果我们不欣赏人性的那一部分,人性的那一部分将贬值。Because remember, if we don't celebrate, if we don't appreciate that part of our nature, that part of our nature will depreciate.

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人类所有的成就都源于创造性的幻想。这样的话,我们有什么权利轻视想象呢?--卡尔·古斯塔夫·容格。All the works of man have their origin in creative fantasy. What right have we then to depreciate imagination. --Carl Gustav Jung.

但关于梦的回忆的理论惹来非议,评论家们极大地贬低其价值。But the whole recollection of dreams is open to an objection which is calculated greatly to depreciate its value in critical eyes.

亚洲开发银行发表尖刻得不同寻常的评论,警告各国不要购买美元以贬低国内货币。In an unusually tart comment, the Asian Development Bank warned countries against buying dollars to depreciate domestic currencies.