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戏中哥哥的这段话是一个斯奥迪斯。The speech of the Elder Brothers is a theodicy.

斯奥迪斯就是对上帝的证明。The theodicy is an account of the justice of God.

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神义论自然是对罪恶问题的回应。A theodicy of course is a response to the problem of evil.

奥古斯丁是传统神正论的主要代表。Augustine is one of the major representatives of traditional theodicy.

斯奥迪斯假定上帝的正义性可以被见证,可为地上的人所证明。A theodicy assumes that God's justice can be witnessed, that it can be accounted for here on earth.

斯奥迪斯会被看作是异端思想甚至是亵渎上帝,原因很简单--想想斯奥迪斯假定了什么。A theodicy can be seen as heretical or even blasphemous for the simple reason that it -- think of what it assumes.

在米尔格罗姆的一篇文章中,这篇文章讲到祭司的宗教仪式,被形象化为一种神义论。You also read an article by Milgrom where Milgrom talks about Priestly cultic imagery serving as a kind of theodicy.

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在米尔格罗姆的一篇文章中,这篇文章讲到祭司的宗教仪式,被形象化为一种神义论。You also read an article by Milgrom where Milgrom talks about Priestly cultic imagery serving as a kind of theodicy.

他们坚持后现代视野,对传统神正论进行当代转换,并使之与现代性反思结合起来。They asserted to transform the traditional theodicy in the Postmodernism sight and to combine it with modern reflection.

作为本书的最大贡献,第二章提出了解决古老的神义论问题的公式——“探索潜力”。Part II presents the major contribution of this work, my "Quest for Potential" formulation, a solution of the age-old problem of theodicy.

第二章是本书之精华,叙述作者的“探索潜力法”,以解决神义论的老问题。Part II presents the major contribution of this work, my "Quest for Potential" formulation, a solution to the age-old problem of theodicy.

而莱布尼兹则运用理性与启示的论据,以“神正论”之名,为基督教的上帝理念建立了一套普遍辩护体系。With Leibniz the general defense of the Christian notion of God was built up with arguments from reason and revelation alike under the title "theodicy."

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汉斯·约纳斯的责任哲学就是把传统神正论和现代性反思结合起来进行创造性转换的积极成果。Hans Jonas' philosophy of responsibility is a constructive result which realized a creative transformation by combining traditional theodicy with modern reflection.

弥尔顿要解释,至少要理解,这看起来不可理喻,无法解释的事件,这首诗最悲痛之处正是源于这斯奥迪斯的动力。Milton has to justify or at least understand this seemingly incomprehensible and unjustifiable event. It's this drive to theodicy that accounts for the poem's most painful moments.

斯奥迪斯是由18世纪哲学家莱布尼兹创造的,他用斯奥迪斯这个词指代,它的语源表达的哲学思想。Theodicy is the term coined by the eighteenth-century philosopher Leibniz, and he applied this term theodicy to just that kind of philosophical sentiment that's implied by its etymology.

神义论更应当从苦难问题出发讨论,这种基于苦难的神义论可以称之为“新神义论”。However, it is my belief that theodicy ought to go still one st ep further to start its discussion from the problem of suffering, and this suffering-based doctrine may be called"neo-theodicy".