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功能是为用户服务的。functionality is for the user.

自动分割功能补充。Auto-segmentation functionality added.

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诸如这样的功能是令人叫绝的。Functionality such as this is amazing.

我怎么复制Vista的功能?Can I replicate the Vista functionality?

所有功能最终的确认。Final verification of all functionality.

提供改变图片大小的功能。It provides the functionality to resize.

这还可以推动功能的重用。This also drives reuse of functionality.

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的防褪色的输出功能进行。The fade-in out functionality is carried.

不存在缺失功能性的风险。There is no risk of losing functionality.

引入了面向消息的功能。It introduces message-oriented functionality.

所以这是一个函数引导。So this is a teaser of functionality to come.

太有限的功能并且报错。too limited functionality and error reporting

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离线功能就是这样的要求之一。Offline functionality is one of those features.

实验证明PISE能够实现这一功能。Pise proved able to achieve this functionality.

它应该有类似的功能加姆特里。It should have similar functionality to Gumtree.

这个功能就是所谓的片段解释。This functionality is known as a section explain.

不过,Yegge的目标正是要把这项功能纳入项目当中。However, Yegge is aiming to add this functionality.

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比例还取决于对象的功能。Proportion also depends on functionality of object.

该文档概览了不同的WAF功能。This document outlines different WAF functionality.

识别包含在评估中的功能性。Identify the functionality included in the estimate.