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因为它说的太模糊了。It's just so vague.

所以他们的结果也是模糊的。So their results were vague.

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保持神秘,但是要播下种子。Stay vague but plant the seed.

一个模糊的图形出现了。A vague figure is materializing.

职业表述要精确,不可含混模糊。Be specific, not vague or fuzzy.

只是这些观点都太过模糊,没什么用。It's just so vague as to be useless.

我对神的解颇为含糊。My ideas about God are pretty vague.

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不要在标题上小心谨慎和含糊不清。Don't be cagey or vague in headlines.

你不能再有这么多懵懂的梦想。You should drop so many vague dreams.

她模糊地预感到危险。She had a vague premonition of danger.

描述是清楚的和不含糊的吗?Is the description exact and not vague?

“不要作恶”是一个模糊的咒语。"Don't be evil" is a vague incantation.

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他那含糊的回答弄得我们很为难。His vague reply disconcerted us completely.

我感觉上腹隐约不适。I feel vague discomfort in the upper belly.

在原则问题上不能含糊。One must not be vague on matters of principle.

仅有一个模糊的愿望将无法开始这一过程。Only a vague wish will not start this process.

我依稀记得我们第一次相见的地方。I've got a vague idea about where we first met.

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在一个含糊的状态下,我猜得出会发生什么。In a vague way I could guess what would happen.

我们无法答复你的模糊询盘。It's impossible to reply to your vague inquiry.

堆满乌云的天空现出一种混沌的紫铜色。The cloud-mussed sky turned a vague copper color.