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下一步是做SWOT分析。Next step is to do SWOT analysis.

我这几天得在物理学上下点功夫了。I have to swot up my physics now.

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第二部分,公司SWOT分析。Thesecond part is the analysis of SWOT.

第四章,格屋福田市场SWOT策略分析。The fourth chapter is the SWOT strategy analysis.

我明天就教这一课,我得赶紧准备一下。I have to swot it up because I'll teach it tomorrow.

您也可以把SWOT分析法运用到您的竞争者上去。You can also apply SWOT Analysis to your competitors.

在此基础上,结合SWOT原理,制定了山东临工产品。Then, the paper makes viable product strategy by using SWOT theory.

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以下这份eConsultancy对移动营销的SWOT分析,尤为有效。This eConsultancy SWOT for Mobile Marketing is particularly useful.

点击这里可以阅读业务SWOT分析,点击这里阅读个人生涯发展的SWOT分析。Click here for Business SWOT Analysis, here for Personal SWOT Analysis.

作为市场营销经理,你是如何运用SWOT分析法的呢?How do you the marketing manger fit in relation with the SWOT analysis?

所以,为了能更好地理解这个问题,我们有必要进行一次SWOT分析偰。So let's do a SWOT analysis to have a better understanding of the issue.

SWOT这个缩写代表长处、短处、机会和威胁。SWOT acronym stands for Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities, and Threats.

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点击这里可以阅读业务SWOT分析,点击这里阅读个人生涯发展的SWOT分析。Click here for Business SWOT Analysis, and here for Personal SWOT Analysis.

所以,写下你的长处,并与SWOT分析的其它部分一起展开。So write down your strengths and carry on with other part of SWOT analysis.

SWOT分析法的用途不只是局限于寻找利益的组织。The usefulness of SWOT analysis is not limited to profit-seeking organizations.

因为有太多的场合可以运用SWOT分析法,所以它必须具有适应性。Since SWOT analysis can be used in a variety of scenarios, it has to be flexible.

但是,检视大多数学校陈示的实例,却可见不少误解和误用的情形。But it has found that some misuses and misunderstandings in most school's SWOT report.

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这里有一个很好的例子,一个二手电脑商的SWOT分析。Here's a good visual example of a SWOT analysis taken from a computer reseller's plan.

第二章华蓝啤酒公司五力竞争及SWOT分析。The second chapter is the five forces competition and SWOT analysis of Hualan Brewery.

另外,对青岛港目前的技术环境及政策环境进行了分析。Then, using SWOT model analyses the development of port-based logistics of Qingdao Port.