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它是随机的。It's random.

不要信口胡说。Don't talk at random.

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对你来说,看来的确是随机的。It would, to you, be random.

串烧店里随机的东西。Random stuff on sticks shop.

随机的自选自配餐馆。Random pick'n'mix restaurant.

他无心的勇敢行为GMH.His Random act of bravery GMH.

这个游戏不可能真的是随机的。The game can’t be truly random.

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一个随机抽出乱数的小工具…A tool for picking random numbers.

人们随心的善意GMH.People's random acts of kindness GMH

配对完全是随意的。The matchups were completely random.

首先,我们放入一些随想。First, we put in some random thoughts.

所以这里是按照随机漫步的模式进行建模。So we would model it as a random walk.

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你不可以都随机给它们取方向。You cannot choose them both at random.

用几句随便的话儿询问。And asked her with some random remarks.

随机照的有趣的上海餐馆街。Random fun looking Shanghai eat street.

名单排列不分先后。The list is arranged in a random order.

妙手随意摄奇迹。Painters to random perturbation miracle.

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美食街边随便的一家店。Random restaurant along the food street.

她随便写了几个中奖号码。She draws the winning numbers at random.

她继续说下去,有些语无论次。She went on, talking somewhat at random.