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和斗犬有着一样的速度,但是更加易于操作。It is the same speed as the Pitbull, but more maneuverable.

那使得它在紧迫又拥挤的小区城市中,极端容易操作。That makes it extremely maneuverable in tight, crowded quarters.

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软式飞船比硬式飞船难操控多了,能拉起的重量也较少。Blimps are far less maneuverable than dirigibles and can lift less.

J-8携带大约三吨炸弹,并且非常不容易操作。The F-8 carries about three tons of bombs, and is not very maneuverable.

这摩托车轻,机动性,感觉很好,是有趣的旅程。This motorcycle is light, maneuverable , feels great, and is fun to ride.

并给出两相控雷达存在压制式干扰情况下对一机动目标的防御范围。The example of the defense area of two radars for one maneuverable target in the SOJ is given.

这种很大的内部自由度使得机器蛇具有极大的灵活性以及可操作性。The many internal degrees of freedom make the snake robots extremely flexible and maneuverable.

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ESA表示,它比之前设计的可回收式航天器更易操作更精密。It is more maneuverable and more precise than previous reusable spacecraft designs, according to ESA.

而且操作性很棒,因为它的短轮距和小车轮利于突然变速。It's also extremely maneuverable because of its short wheelbase and small wheels that turn on a dime.

我们制作了一小行,极为机动球童说,是为了把较轻的负载。We have produced a line of small, extremely maneuverable caddies that are designed to carry lighter loads.

用单桅艇装备一艘只有一个水手的小船,拥有容易拉平以及在竞速时机动性强的优势。With a small boat and one sailor, a cat rig has the advantages of being simple to trim and very maneuverable when racing.

比例汇总和类比分析表明,该方法主观因素少,易于量化,操作性强。Applied results show that this planning method has few subjective factors, and is easily quantifiable and very maneuverable.

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标准的UEF拦截机,飓风是一个装备有对空轨道枪的灵活,机动的战斗机。The standard UEF Interceptor, the Cyclone is a fast, maneuverable craft that sports linked Anti-Air Railguns as its armament.

更大的陀螺性能和较低的质心更容易平衡比普通独轮车,但不容易操作。The greater gyroscopic properties and lower center of mass make it easier to balance than a normal unicycle but less maneuverable.

这就允许外面的打孔针组独立地旋转,从而使得打孔机更易操作和转向。This permits the outer tine assemblies to rotate independently and thereby makes the aerator more maneuverable and easier to turn.

本论文基于航天遥感信息的特点对时敏目标关联问题进行了研究。In this thesis, the problem how to associate maneuverable targets by the space based remote sensing data of satellites is explored.

第一批牌照主要是一些视频流媒体获得的,他们在内容监管上更轻易操作。Basically a few video shed media to obtain the first batch of license plate, they are superintended in content on more maneuverable.

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拖船高度机动和各种推进系统已经开发,以增加可操作性,并增加安全性。Tugboats are highly maneuverable and various propulsion systems have been developed to increase maneuverability and increase safety.

他们在战斗中拥有良好的机动性以及轻巧的舟身,但应该避免与护卫舰甚至是东印度商船直接对抗。They are quite maneuverable and agile ships in battle but should not engage on one-on-one battles with frigate or even East Indiaman.

他们在战斗中拥有良好的机动性以及轻巧的船身,但应该避免与护卫舰甚至是东印度商船直接对抗。They are quite maneuverable and agile ships in battle but should not engage on one-on-one battles with frigate or even East Indiaman.