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不知道怎样把握实习机会获得一份全职工作?Don't know how to parlay an internship into a full-time position?

最后多半还是想要去动作片里赌一场的。You know, I may ultimately want to parlay into the action movie arena.

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很多青少年能够将简单的兼职工作当作锻炼他们更高技能的培训项目。Many teenagers could parlay simple part-time jobs into higher-skilled training programs.

安哥拉正试图把自己新发现的石油做为赌注而引入中国为其修建基础设施。Angola is trying to parlay its newfound oil wealth into Chinese-built infrastructure projects.

如果你们够聪明,可以试着猜一猜文本的含义。Now if you're clever enough maybe you could parlay it into a sense of the meaning of the text.

否则你永远只能是井底之蛙,永远不能把错误转化为宝贵的学习机会。Without these essential lessons, you remain trapped in your limited view and unable to parlay mistakes into valuable learning opportunities.

可以肯定,约马克会把易建联的照片印在季票上,套票上和数以百万美元的各种赞助上。You can be sure that Yormark will try to parlay Yi's visibility into season tickets, corporate suite sales, multi-million dollar corporate sponsorships.

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可以在图形内部进行吸引人的排版,执行阴影和高亮纠正,提供探索扩展的颜色匹配和增值的高效层比较功能。Create eye-catching typography within shapes, perform shadow and highlight correction, explore expanded color-matching features, parlay efficient layer comps.

富兰克林·罗斯福把国家对华尔街的恐惧转变成了银行与证券监管政策,将联邦政府建成为反对金融欺诈的坚强堡垒。Franklin Roosevelt was able to parlay the country’s fears of Wall Street into bank and securities regulation, establishing the federal government as a bulwark against financial skullduggery.

一年前,陈宁宁还被视为中国高干子女企业家——在生意中充分利用家庭关系的政府官员的子女——中一颗冉冉升起的新星。A year ago, Diana Chen Ningning was seen as one of the rising stars among China‘s princeling entrepreneurs–the sons and daughters of government ministers who parlay family ties into business deals.