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与别人脱离或关系疏远Withdrawal or estrangement from others

从那一天开始了长达20年的互不往来。That day marked the beginning of a 20-year estrangement.

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我们是有条件消除民族隔阂的。The conditions are present for eliminating this estrangement.

遭受危险的看林人的离间搅乱了我的长期计划。The endangered ranger's estrangement deranged my long-range plan.

这是造成活尸与人类疏远的主要原因。It is the chief cause of a Promethean 's estrangement from mortals.

最大的禁忌是一个母亲和她的女儿之间的隔阂。The biggest taboo is the estrangement between a mother and her daughter.

父女之间从未有过隔阂,我们无话不谈。Estrangement between father and daughter never had, and we can talk about anything.

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只要彼此心中有着牵念,再多的龃龉隔阂,总会消除。So long as lovers have care for each other, discord and estrangement will be removed.

但是,这种被神抛弃,与神疏远的感觉往往与罪无关。But often this feeling of abandonment or estrangement from God has nothing to do with sin.

他的冲动和嫉妒导致了与他妻子,女儿,和朋友的疏远。His impulsiveness and jealousy caused his estrangement from his wife, daughter and his friends.

总是为心爱的人担心会浪费很多时间,而且也为永恒的疏远打开了大门。Worrying about loved ones wastes a lot of time and opens up the door to permanent estrangement.

他运用真人大小的塑料吹气玩具娃娃,演绎出疏远和疏离的场景。Using life-sized plastic blow-up dolly sex toys, he stages scenes of estrangement and alienation.

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我们要做长期的工作,达到消除这种隔阂的目的。We will have to make efforts for a long period of time before we can eliminate this estrangement.

“文学性”与“陌生化”是俄国形式主义理论精髓的集中体现。Literariness and Estrangement are the focuses and embodiments of Russian formalism literary theory.

所以因为购车后降价而使得消费者对品牌心存隔阂就是难免的事情。It is evitable that the customer have a sense of estrangement to the brand after the price reduction.

对于克林姆林宫来说,一个更迫切的问题是,俄罗斯的西部和东部地区日益疏远。A more pressing problem for the Kremlin is the growing estrangement between Russia's western and eastern halves.

此凑妫稀也是广大年夜汇散掀收者战传统媒体进一步掉踪战的标识表记标帜。It's also a sign of the borderless online whistleblower's increasing estrangement from traditional media outlets.

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历史上统治阶级实行民族压迫和民族剥削政策,造成广西的民族隔阂。The ethnic oppression and ethnic exploitation made the estrangement between Guangxi ethnic groups in the history.

来自北京的心理学家李子勋表示,学生身上的繁重压力使得校园里人际关系日益疏远。According to psychologist Li Zixun from Beijing, heavy pressure on students is fueling the estrangement on campus.

22年后,生长在富贵人家的阿帕查傲慢无礼,正为心爱的男朋友疏远本人而痛苦万分。After 22 years in a silver spoon, growth of the insolent, is to find my beloved boyfriend estrangement and misery.