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把这句话变成感叹句。Change it to an exclamatory sentence.

掌握它的搭配,即掌握了感叹句的重点。Mix master it, that is mastered exclamatory point.

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这篇文章一连用了二十多个感叹句。This article has over twenty exclamatory sentences in a row.

探讨感叹句的一般性质特征。Secondly it inquires into the features of exclamatory sentences.

感叹句的结尾应该使用叹号。An exclamatory sentence should be followed by an exclamation mark.

内衣能有多少令人赞叹的创意?Originality of exclamatory of how many your person can underwear have?

第二章分析了副词在感叹句中的作用。Chapter 2 analyzes the functions of adverbs in the exclamatory sentences.

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与前三者不同的是,感叹句的研究到目前为止还比较少见。The study on exclamatory sentences is less than that of the other three types.

谢谢你的分享,但我认为,有些句子用感叹句更好。Thank you for sharing, but I think that some used Exclamatory sentences should be better.

本文试图对现代汉语感叹句作进一步的研究。This paper tries to do some research about the exclamatory sentences in Contemporary Chinese.

揭示了这些感叹结构对不同词语的选择和限制。Then we point out the selectivity of every kind of words about these four exclamatory structures.

感叹语气词则由于所感叹事物或事件的性质不同而具有层级性。The exclamatory modal verbs have hierarchy owing to the differences of things or nature of things.

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对比中国当代艺术对于历史的集体失忆,不由得令人喟叹。Looking back at China, the collective amnesia of the contemporary art circle over history has been exclamatory.

感叹标记对于非典型感叹语调的判别有重要作用。The exclamatory markers are especially important for the recognition of the non-typical exclamatory intonation.

现在的产品都太平淡、太中庸,其实我们可以创造一些更令人赞叹的东西。Present product is too too insipid, middle, actually we can be created a few make a person more exclamatory thing.

自从2005年正式进入中国以来,中国的发布商伙伴创造了令人惊叹的奇迹。Since 2005 since China of make one's bow, hair mercer associate of China created miracle of exclamatory making a person.

当地人说到100年的时候,很神秘惊叹的表情。When the local people spoke about the years of one hundred all of them appeared an especially mystery and exclamatory expression.

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在美国深受金融危机影响的背景下,这无疑是一个令人惊叹的奇迹。Below the setting that the United States affects by financial crisis, this is miracle of an exclamatory making a person undoubtedly.

据统计,2008年网游市场规模200亿,更让人惊叹的是其增长率非常高。According to statistic, the net swam 2008 market dimensions 20 billion, more exclamatory letting a person is his increase rate is very high.

精选用料和珍稀材质强力打造出令人赞叹的潮流款式及自然色彩。Pledge with uncommon ability of makings and precious choicely puissant make a design of tide of exclamatory making a person and natural colour.