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环斑海豹通常在洞穴的底部生育。Ringed seal pups are reared in snow dens.

我仍然听见了他们甚而在亚洲穴和德国天沟。I still heard them even in Asian dens and German gutters.

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是将会让你为掳掠巴瑞尔造物的洞穴而付出代价的人!The one who will make you pay for looting the dens of Brell's creations!

但是一小部分不良分子也利用租用的窝点。But a small portion of undesirable elements also make use of rented dens.

塞洛尼亚人居住在基因上相关的地洞巢穴里。Selonians live together in genetically related dens in underground burrows.

该组织正以这些它称之为“间谍巢穴”的异乡人住处为攻击目标。The group is targeting these foreign locations which it describes as spy dens.

基地组织正把这些被称作“特务巢穴”的外国国家列为袭击目标。The group is targeting these foreign locations which it describes as "spy dens".

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深泽县公安局城区分局日前成功捣毁一赌博窝点。Shenze Public Security Bureau has successfully destroyed a city of gambling dens.

爬树、建巢穴、放风筝这些室外运动曾是我们每个人童年生活的快乐源泉。Climbing trees, building dens and flying kites were all once common childhood pleasures.

因此,在这些公共巢穴中,你会发现非常庞大的蛇群。Because of that, what you get is very large aggregations of snakes at these communal dens.

北极熊可以闻到海豹的气味并打破洞穴的顶部,因此海豹妈妈通常都有好几个洞穴。Polar bears can smell the seals and break in the roof, so a mother often has several dens.

玛法里奥和泰兰德进入了地下兽穴寻找其他需要唤醒的德鲁伊。Malfurion and Tyrande entered the barrow dens in search of further druids who needed awakening.

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在白天的时候,它们躲藏在它们的窟里面,避它们的仇敌,就是大鹏,所以只在夜间出来。In the day_time they hid in their dens from their enemy, the roc, and came out only in the night.

乔根森告诉我,“这个地区有许多可供过冬的巢穴。”"There aren't many dens that can support survival over winter on this landscape, " Jrgensen told me.

在北极熊宝宝3、4月份从窝里爬出来的时候开始,北极熊幼仔和其他大部分动物一样,都喜欢打打闹闹。From the time polar bears come out of their dens in March and April, cubs, like most animals, play-fight.

幸运的是,全部兽舍都非常牢固,我们不认为它们受到了任何结构性的损坏。Fortunately, the dens were built to be bear-proof, so we don't think they have sustained any structural damage.

经过打探,韩疏影从张妈口中得知韩伟松把谢若雪送去了神仙屋,也就是日本人开的鸦片馆。After probing, thin film from Zhang Ma that Han Weisong send Xie Re snow to the gods, is the Japanese open opium dens.

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据工商部门介绍,此前,每个月差不多要端掉10来个这样的藏假窝点。According to the Trade and Industry department said that earlier, a month almost to Uproots 10 to the Tibetan leave dens.

原本是女人们晾晒衣服的屋顶,现在成了狙击手火力支援卡扎菲地面部队的老巢。The rooftops where women once hung their washing to dry are now the dens of snipers that support Gaddafi's ground troops.

秋季是暴风的季节,海盗门依旧在石阶上筑巢并出外捕猎诚实的人。Autumn is a season rife with storms, and pirates still make their dens upon the Stepstones and venture forth to prey on honest men.