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我早上只吃面包。I only eat bread in the morn.

从清晨到夜晚,我的朋友。From morn to night, my friend.

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阴霾的早晨能变成晴朗的白日。A foul morn may turn to a fair day.

香气四溢的晨风轻松的呼召。The breezy call of incense-breathing Morn.

公鸡报晓是为了让我们起床。Cock crows in the morn. To tell us to rise.

跨过整个大地,开展新的黎明。All across the land, dawns a brand-new morn.

从早到晚,他一路追随它们的行程。From morn till night he followed their flight.

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此时,时间已经接受清晨。At this period, time has already approved a morn.

对不起,餐厅明天上午才营业。Execuse me, restaurant tomorrow morn fair do affair.

瑞士一家公司通过特殊技术可将骨灰制成钻石。Bone-ash Diamond"---new way to morn the passing-away?"

安静地睡吧,不用管雄鸡向你们报晓!And softly sleep. Let Chanticleer announce the morn in vain!

他就是你说今天早上解救了你的那个人?Is he the person whom you said to give relief apt you this morn?

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深大清晨的阳光,总是那么的醉人。The sunshine of morn in Shenzhen University is always so fascinating.

在1989年,公司制定了长期的民品开发战略规划。At 1989, CAC has formulated the CPDS and implemented it for morn than ten years.

阳光下,充满着光辉,跳跃着、闪烁着,从日出到日落!Into the sunshine, full of the light, leaping and flashing, from morn till night!

本厂自2003年成立以来,拥有一支团结奋进的精英队伍,厂房面积有800多平方米。The factory found in 2003, we own a comity team, occupy morn than 800 square's land.

像他这种懒人今早会很早起床?你这不简直是在开国际玩笑吗?Such a lazybones like him was up with the lark this morn? Are you blowing that for a lark?

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他用这种致敬的方式问了早安之后,便把靴子向那女人掷去作为第三次问候。After hailing the morn with this second salutation, he threw aboot at the woman as a third.

他用这种致敬的方式问了早安之后,便把靴子向那女人掷去作为第三次问候。After hailing the morn with this second salutation, he threw a boot at the woman as a third.

在乘长途汽车旅行时,母亲曾要我注意看东伦敦附近的那些白狮子。During the long car journey morn had told me to watch out for the white lions near east london.