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也不完全这样,你能区分谁是穆斯林,谁是塞族吗?Not always. How can you tell whether someone is Muslim or Serb?

两人自高中起就坠入情网,他是塞尔维亚人,她是穆斯林。Sweethearts since high school, he was a Serb and she was a Moslem.

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前波斯尼亚塞族将军姆拉迪奇藏匿花了十六年。Former Bosnian Serb general Ratko Mladic spent sixteen years in hiding.

像米洛舍维奇一样,科什图尼察具有强烈的民族意识,他争取的对象是那些痛恨米洛舍维奇的失败的塞尔维亚选民。Strongly nationalist like Milosevic, he appealed to Serb voters disgusted by Milosevic’s failures.

前波黑塞族领导人卡拉季奇称,他会在对他的战争罪进行审判时为自己辩护。Former Bosnian Serb leader Radovan Karadzic says he will defend himself at his war crimes tribunal.

目击者说,接着,受到北约部队支持的联合国警察冲进了这家法庭,驱逐了塞族示威者。Witnesses said U. N. police backed by NATO troops then stormed the court, evicting Serb demonstrators.

它也表明在处理与在巴尔干地区的塞族人的困境,美国的政策的虚伪和口是心非。It also shows the hypocrisy and duplicity of the US policy in dealing with the Serb plight in the Balkans.

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另一位前波斯尼亚塞族领导人卡拉季奇自2009年以来就在这家法庭接受审理。He joins the former Bosnian Serb political leader, Radovan Karadzic, who has been on trial since October 2009.

波斯尼亚人和克罗地亚人主要居住在波黑联邦,另一实体塞族共和国的居民主要是塞尔维亚人。Bosniaks and Croats primarily live in the federation, while the other entity, Republika Srpska, is mostly Serb.

在未来的几年内,我可不愿成为一个被包围在伊巴尔河南部聚居区里的科索沃塞族人。I would not like to be a Kosovan Serb living in one of the enclaves south of the river Ibar in the years ahead.

在1998和1999年,这里是一个充满了压抑的荒凉地区,塞族警察和官员在这里耀武扬威。In 1998 and 1999 it was a place that was grimly run-down and repressive, dominated by Serb police and officials.

在英国监狱中袭击波斯湾战犯的三名囚犯被加刑。Three inmates who attacked a Bosnian Serb war criminal in a British jail have been given additional prison sentences.

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我分辨不出他们谁是波西尼亚人,谁是克罗地亚人或塞族人,但我肯定他们每个人都有自己的故事。I couldn't tell whether they were Bosnian, Croat or Serb – but I was sure they would all have their own tales to tell.

安德莱赫特主席说他们已经同约万和利物浦举行了一次关于塞尔维亚人转会的谈话。Anderlecht chief Herman van Holsbeeck admits they've held talks with Jovanovic and Liverpool about a deal for the Serb.

在本周末,穆斯林和波斯尼亚塞族领导人听到了一条来自Biden先生关于更多和合作的消息。Behind closed doors this week, Bosniak and Bosnian Serb leaders heard a tough message from Mr Biden to co-operate more.

法院裁定,联合国荷兰部队不应该将这三名男子移交给将他们杀害的波黑塞族军队。The court ruled the Dutch UN troops should not have handed the three men over to the Bosnian Serb forces who killed them.

他的父亲是塞族民族主义战士,在二战末被铁托的游击队击伤,并被捕入狱。His father was a Serb nationalist fighter who was wounded by Tito's partisans at the close of World War Two and imprisoned.

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其中黑山人德热拉斯是因为“自由化”,而塞尔维亚人兰科维奇正是因为塞族民族主义。In which Montenegrins Djilas is because the "liberal, " while the Serbs Rankovic precisely because of the Serb nationalism.

姆拉迪奇是波斯尼亚塞族总司令,他下令攻击斯雷布雷尼察市,杀害近万名穆斯林人。Mladic was the leader of Bosnian Serb forces who allegedly attacked the city of Srebrenica and killed thousands of Muslims.

罗马的另一个选择是在上赛季射入19球的莱切前锋武奇尼奇。Another option for Roma's attack is Lecce's Serb forward Mirko Vucinic, who scored 19 goals in 28 Serie A games last season.