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等待是时间的足蹄。Waiting is the hoots of time.

他的演讲遭到了轻蔑的嘘声。His speech was greeted with loud hoots.

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对于人们怎么想,他毫不在乎。He doesn't care two hoots what people think.

他的坦白引起了人们嘲讽的嘘叫。His confession was greeted with derisive hoots.

他的建议引起了阵阵嗤笑。His suggestion was greeted with hoots of laughter.

猫头鹰的叫声让我彻夜难眠。The hoots of the owls kept me awake the whole night.

我根本不在乎有没有钱,只要活得开心就行。I don't care two hoots about having money, as long as I'm alive.

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我根本不在乎其他的事。只要活着就行。I don't care two hoots about anything else, as long as I'm alive.

他就是一个别人怎么想他毫不在乎的那种人。He is a sort of person who doesn't care two hoots what other people think.

他想使群众安定下来的企图招来的是愤怒的嘘声和下流的谩骂。His attempts at pacifying the mob were met by angry hoots and billingsgate.

它时而栖息山巅,如十月黄昏中猫头鹰般啼鸣,时而又同风儿追逐嬉戏。It sits on a hilltop and hoots like an October owl in the dusk. It plays tag with the wind.

当然喝彩声不及科比,但是我们已经听不到明显的嘘声了。Not as loud as the applause for Kobe Bryant, but there were no discernible hisses or hoots.

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有欢呼声和声音的男孩在舞台上唱歌和女孩表演传统苗族舞蹈。There were cheers and hoots for boys singing on stage and girls performing traditional Hmong dances.

由于它在夜间活动,鸣声凄厉,因此,人们把它的叫声与死人相联系。The owl is a nocturnal animal whose hoots sound sad and shrill, therefore people correlate its cry to the dead.

他只关心他人的观点和他们的建议,而他的怜悯同情之心却寥寥无几。He cares two hoots about others, their opinions and their suggestions.He barely every sympathizes or empathizes.

他只关心他人的观点和他们的建议,而他的怜悯同情之心却寥寥无几。He cares two hoots about others, their opinions and their suggestions. He barely every sympathizes or empathizes.

当他们终于从厨房里炫耀地把猪抬出来时,我们少数几个还醒著的人爆出阵阵欢呼及笑声。When they finally paraded out of the kitchen, cheers and hoots of laughter erupted from the few of us that were still awake.

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其他的蛮锤也攻击的很好,森林里满是骂声和叫喊,当狮鹫飞过时咒骂和侮辱声不绝于耳。The rest of his lads were striking as well, and the forest was filled with hoots and hollers, curses and insults as the gryphons darted past.

他会直立,会丢东西,会做出非常具有攻击性的动作,甚至会猛捶自己胸部大声咆哮。He may stand upright, throw things, make aggressive charges, and pound his huge chest while barking out powerful hoots or unleashing a frightening roar.

咒语的力量使上空十英尺的树枝分了叉,伴着猫头鹰的嘶叫碰裂坠落下来,周围的一切都只预示着威胁的存在。The curse caused a branch nearby to come crashing down from ten feet above them, the hoots of an angry owl the only sign that any threat had been there.