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他是个多产作家。He is a voluminous writer.

她那肥大的裤腿呈喇叭形展开。The legs of her voluminous trousers flared out.

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天文地理无所不看,博览群书,汗牛充栋。Astronomy and geography anything, Expo Group, a voluminous.

下编不分章节,以卷帙为次。Under the Code, regardless of section, to voluminous and the time.

尼斯湖是英国最大的淡水湖。Loch Ness is the most voluminous fresh water lake in Great Britain.

包豪斯的设计从房屋到茶壶、台灯,汗牛充栋无所不包。From housing to the Bauhaus design teapot lamp, voluminous all-encompassing.

在这部长篇著作中,有好几个章节涉及到哈他瑜伽。In that voluminous book, there are refences to hatha yoga in several chapters.

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而较大的模式就要大片的感觉——床单和大的窗帘。Larger patterns look great in broad swaths—bedspreads and voluminous window treatments.

而较大的模式就要大片的感觉——床单和大的窗帘。Larger patterns look great in broad swathes—bedspreads and voluminous window treatments.

她戴着一串大粒的红色珠子,就像是煮熟的糖果,身上穿着一件长长的亚麻束腰外衣。She is wearing a string of huge red beads, like boiled sweets, and a voluminous linen tunic.

据我所知,在他大量的信件中,这种思考的暗示一点都没有。As far as I can see, there isn't a hint of this kind of thinking in his voluminous correspondence.

在他的卷帙浩瀚的著作中,要选出真正有代表性的片段相当困难。It is difficult to select from his voluminous works short passages that are really representative.

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并且,这些捧读者中读的都是大部头的托翁、陀翁等苏俄大师的名著。Moreover, these holding readers are reading voluminous care Weng Weng Tuo Soviet masters classics.

截止目前陶诗研究将近1500多年,学术成果可谓汗牛充栋。Up to now nearly 1500 years of pottery poetry, academic achievement can be described as voluminous.

也是从这儿,他发出无数的信件给朋友,寻求政治知识。It was from here, also, that he wrote voluminous letters to friends seeking knowledge about politics.

永生卧室,十余米,内藏桌一、凳一、床一及汗牛充栋之书堆积。Eternal life bedrooms, more than ten meters, containing a desk, a stool, bed and voluminous book a heap.

图书馆古籍书库珍藏有卷帙宏富的古代文献典籍,价值极高。Ancient stacks in the library treasuring up voluminous ancient literature and classics have very high value.

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但是,反对中情局所用虐待手段的人士指出,尤瑟夫在阅读了米兰达权利之后就交代了很多罪行。s approach, however, note that Ramzi Yousefgave a voluminous confession after being read his Miranda rights.

在一系列的在线调查和大量的新闻报道,公众辩论异常激烈。In a series of online opinion-surveys and in voluminous press commentary, debate has been surprisingly intense.

1759年,在经过几次产权的变动后,奥古斯塔公主开始把外来植物引入这里,直到今天这里存活着约33000种各类型的植物,保存着数以百万计的植物标本,园中还有一个藏书量庞大的学术图书馆。It now holds about 33, 000 types of living plants, millions of dried specimens, and a voluminous research library.