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队伍为参加他们的节日活动练习了数月。Teams practice for months in anticipation of major Catalonian festivals.

加泰罗尼亚菜肴根植于腓尼基、希腊和罗马菜系。Catalonian dishes are deeply rooted in Phoenician, Greek and Roman cuisine.

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在加泰罗尼亚汽车上,不难发现这样的标志。On Catalonian cars you will easily discover signs of the Catalonian Donkey.

联合国教科文组织称这个游戏为高桩,人堆积木,卡塔卢尼亚人身份的完整。UNESCO calls this game of high-stakes, human Jenga an "integral part" of Catalonian identity.

现在,我正迷恋一个加泰罗尼亚叫Vostok的工作室,他们有着你难以想象的印刷技术。Presently, I am smitten with Vostok, a Catalonian studio that employs unimaginable printing techniques.

经过一段并不容易的开始后,他已经在用不断的进球为自己赢得了无数粉丝。After an uneasy beginning to life with the Catalonian club, he is now firing in the goals and winning over the fans.

每到这一天,加泰罗尼亚的妇女们就给丈夫或男朋友赠送一本书,男人们则会回赠一枝玫瑰花。Every year on this day, Catalonian women will give a book to their husband or boyfriend, and the men will give a rose in return.

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在刚刚过去的赛季中,法国前锋为尤文图斯打进了20粒进球,而加泰罗尼亚巨人希望将他带到诺坎普。The French hit-man scored 20 goals in Serie A this season for Juventus and the Catalonian giants are keen on taking him to Camp Nou.

另一个加泰罗传统为Caganer的圣诞雕塑,在安道尔、西班牙的部分地区、意大利以及葡萄牙,人们可以在耶稣诞生布景上看到它。Another Catalonian tradition is the Caganer, a Christmas statue found in nativity scenes in Andorra and parts of Spain, Italy, and Portugal.

罗伦泰发现,加泰隆尼亚的哥伦家族与热那亚的哥伦坡家族的关系极为密切,无法以标准的Y染色体检测区分哥伦布属于何者。Dr. Lorente has found that Catalonian Coloms and Genoese Colombos are so closely related it is hard to distinguish them with the standard Y-chromosome tests.

目前,这种驴子在加泰罗尼亚自治区仅剩下370只,不过法国南部、西班牙的塞维利亚等第还有少量,但数量不多。Presently, there are only 370 of these donkeys left in the Catalonian autonomous region, although there are also some, but only a few, left in southern France and in Seville in Spain.

尤金也是巴黎巴格达国际外科手术学院和加泰罗尼亚外科学会的名誉会员,也是索邦大学的名誉博士。Yudin was also an honorary member of the International College of Surgeons and of the Paris, Prague, and Catalonian surgical societies, as well an honorary doctor of Sorbonne University.