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告诉自己这种焦虑是可掌握而且是有时效性的。They are all effective, nonmedical ways of dealing with anxiety.

但是如训练和其它非药物方法通常也是必要的。But training and other nonmedical treatments are usually needed too.

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Fauci博士说也可以在非医疗设施中大范围的提供检测。Dr. Fauci said testing might also be widely offered in nonmedical settings.

然而,滥用处方药的男女比重比较接近。However, women had similar rates of nonmedical prescription drug use as men did.

Kearns说他坚决反对将PGD运用于非医疗目的的特征选择。Dr. Kearns says he is firmly against the idea of using PGD to select nonmedical traits.

在美国,抗生素最主要的非医学性用途就是作为动物饲料的添加剂。A major nonmedical use of antibiotics in the United States is their addition to animal feed.

抑郁的非医学治疗,比如认知行为治疗可以作为条件对照。Nonmedical treatments fordepression, like cognitive-behavioral therapy, could serve as controlconditions.

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社区病人和非医护志愿者以及卫生保健人员可以在这些医疗急救中心备案。Patients and nonmedical volunteers, as well as health care personnel, would report to these medical-aid centers.

同样地,滥用处方药的人年龄主要集中在50到59岁,60岁以上的用药者相对较少。Nonmedical use of prescription drugs was also more common in the 50-59 age group than in the 60-and-over age group.

其结果将会是个性化药物的快速引入,甚至是非医疗方面的产品,如更好的生物燃料。The result could be faster introduction of personalized medicine and even nonmedical products, such as better biofuels.

从图书馆租一些坐禅、打太极或者练瑜伽的磁带。这些都是有效的应对焦虑的非医学方法。Rent a meditation, t'ai chi, or yoga tape from the library. They are all effective, nonmedical ways of dealing with anxiety.

这些结果强调对前列腺癌教育有必要加强努力和文化水平检测,而且要用非医学语言。These results highlight the need for prostate cancer education efforts and outcomes measurements that consider literacy and use nonmedical language.

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物质滥用与精神健康服务管理局鼓励卫生保健人员定期监控这些年老患者的用药情况,包括那些滥用处方药的行为。The agency encourages health care providers to screen older patients routinely for substance use problems, including nonmedical use of prescription drugs.

嗑药过量以及将催眠性安眠药和其他镇静剂混合使用是导致粗心的非医疗使用者致死的主要死因。These overdose deaths mainly result from careless decisions by nonmedical users who either take too much or mix narcotic painkillers with other depressants.

这和英国家庭办公室的观点一致,英国政府正等待谘询小组评估促进剂在非医疗用途下可能造成有害效应的报告,再决定是否需要拟定新法规。Along these lines, the British Home Office, the interior ministry, is awaiting a report from an advisory panel on whether the potential harm from nonmedical use of enhancers requires new regulations.