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什么是附加险?。What are additional risks?

出现了另外一些子选项卡。Additional sub-tabs appear.

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它需要一个附加的int数。It requires this additional int.

或者是,皱纹有所增加。Or there are additional wrinkles.

另外,“秋明-英国石油”还面临着其他问题。TNK-BP faces additional problems.

它还包括了额外的按钮。It also includes additional buttons.

随书光盘提供补充数据。The CD-ROM provides additional data.

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拧紧扰流板和附加翼子板。Screw on spoiler and additional wing.

也许会指派额外的IFSC裁判员。Additional IFSC Judges may be appointed.

扣问其他接洽人的姓名。Always ask for additional contact names.

高像素化和多功能化。Ans. High pixels and additional functions.

是否想要订购额外银行卡?Do you wish to order additional bankcards?

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这是我们额外有的信息。This is something additional that we have.

机型编号后面加F表示为防静电烤漆机型。Additional "F" shows anti-ESD coating type.

附加信号了四分之一小时。Additional signals played at quarter-hours.

短信通道代码还有额外的费用。There are additional costs for short codes.

添加任何其他术语及其变体。Add any additional terms and their variants.

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额外的模拟输出的磁铁速度。Additional analog output of magnet velocity.

重的提袋需另加费用。An additional charge is made for heavy bags.

欧盟里男人和女人都是“打哈哈”。Men and women "complement" every additional.