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在人生征途的露宿营地。In the bivouac of Life.

在人生逆旅的露营中。In the bivouac of Life.

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波托马克河边的篝火晚会。A Bivouac Fire on the Potomac.

草地上有个半圆形的野营帐篷。There is a semi-circular bivouac tent on the grass.

我在日落前抵达了我们的营地,并且也喝了很多的玛黛茶。I reach the place of our bivouac by sunset, and drinking much mate.

庄园,马厩,野营地以及数以百计的游客都处在危险当中。Manorial, stable, bivouac ground and many tourist lie among danger.

野营者们把干净的林地搞得乱七八糟。The men of bivouac made the clean forest land into great confusion.

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课间,他会去一个有着四个帐篷的露营地为抗议活动作宣讲。Between classes, Mr. Sen goes to the four-tent bivouac to run teach-ins.

除了冰镐,我没有带绳索、帐篷、露营装备和金属器械。I carried no rope, no tent or bivouac gear, no hardware save my ice axes.

这两名登山者曾到达马卡鲁峰海拔6600米处,并晚上在此露营。The two climbers went up to 6600 meters and made a bivouac for the night.

你夜间的宿营地是你白天行军累了的处所。Your bivouac for the night is the spot where you got tired of marching that day.

你在晚上站哨时的地点,是你在白天行军时的休息点。Your bivouac for the night is the spot where you got tired of marching that day.

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贝茨先生要内森告诉大家怎样做帐篷。Mr. Bates asked Nathan to explain to the class how to build a bivouac for shelter.

探险队在东南山脊建立了6个营地,还建立了露营地9号营。The party established six more camps on the south-east ridge. Camp IX was a bivouac.

他们攀到Eigerwand车站的等高的位置后,在哪里第一次扎营。The two climbers reached the height of the Eigerwand station and had their first bivouac.

日落将我带到露宿的地方,我喝了许多玛黛茶,很快就搭好过夜的床。I reached the place of our bivouac by sunset, and drinking much maté, soon made up my bed for the night.

这时分人人觉得比前夕更加开心,营火发出噼啪的响声,传来士兵的歌声。Even more gaily than on the previous night the bivouac fires crackled, and the soldiers sang their songs.

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人们得以瞥见这两名德国人。他们正准备第五次宿营。宿营点的高度比之前的地点略高一些。People obtained a glimpse of the two men, who were now a little higher and about to bivouac for the fifth time.

在这人生的宿营地,在这辽阔的战场,别做无言的牲畜任人驱赶,做一名英雄好汉立马横枪!In the world's broad field of battle, in the bivouac of Life, be not like dumb, driven cattle! Be a hero in the strife!

清扫一个地区的狙击手是一项耗时的差事,有时甚至要花上一天才能清理出一块露营地。To clean out an area from snipers was time consuming and sometimes it took a whole day before a bivouac area was secured.