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芭芭拉普莱特,伊斯兰堡报道。Barbara Plett reports from Islamabad.

伊斯兰堡是他的选区之一。Islamabad is part of his constituency.

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理查德·加尔潘在伊斯兰堡报道。Richard Galpin reports from Islamabad.

特礼西亚是来自伊斯兰堡的艺术批评家。Tricia is an art critic from Islamabad.

伊斯兰堡对袭击的反应是暴怒。Islamabad reacted with fury to the attack.

在伊斯兰堡的会谈是关于政府的“泄密”。The talk is of “betrayal” by the government in Islamabad.

吉拉尼总理当时正从拉合尔飞回伊斯兰堡。The prime minister was flying back to Islamabad from Lahore.

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美联社记者凯西·甘农在伊斯兰堡报道。Associated Press Writer Kathy Gannon reported from Islamabad.

现在就取决于北京让伊斯兰堡看到其办事方式的错误之处了。It’s up to Beijing now to make Islamabad see the error of its ways.

伊斯兰堡的政府人士称大毛拉奥马尔已经证实了这一信息。Now government sources in Islamabad say Maulvi Omar has confirmed it.

一个指挥官鄙视伊斯兰堡政府称其为美国傀儡。One commander scorned the Islamabad government as an American stooge.

一名巴基斯坦档主在出售太阳眼镜在伊斯兰堡的路边上。Pakistani vendor sells sunglasses by the side of the road in Islamabad.

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他帮助在创造世界一流的资讯科技学院在拉合尔和伊斯兰堡。He helped in creating world class IT institutes at Lahore and Islamabad.

伊斯兰堡还没有说,当托尔哈姆边境站将重新开放。Islamabad has not yet said when the Torkham border post will be re-opened.

伊斯兰堡警察局长扎法尔。伊克巴尔说道,70余名学生被逮捕。Islamabad Police Chief Zafar Iqbal said over 70 students have been arrested.

伊斯兰堡对被美国情报网排除在外大为不满。Islamabad complains loudly that it's excluded from the US intelligence loop.

这起枪击事件发生在连接伊斯兰堡和拉瓦尔品第的交通繁忙的高速公路上。The shooting took place on the busy highway between Islamabad and Rawalpindi.

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在巴基斯坦与印度之前的和平的关键是阿富汗战争的胜利Why the key to winning in Afghanistan is peace between Islamabad and New Delhi.

苏利文先在喀布尔接受了我们的电话采访,随后又在伊斯兰堡回复了我们的电子邮件。Sullivan talked to us first by phone from Kabul, then over email from Islamabad.

著名人权活动人士塔希拉.阿卜杜拉在伊斯兰堡的家中被逮捕。Prominent human rights activist Tahira Abdullah was arrested at her home in Islamabad.