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我们的鱼网是新的。Our fishnet is still new.

有一次老头儿向大海撒下鱼网。Once the old man to the sea and fishnet.

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我觉得网袜太性感了,不适合我们。I feel wear fishnet stockings is so sex, not agree with we.

与此同时,警方用鱼网围住了那只船。At the same time. the police enclosed the ship with fishnet.

科学家保持电波发射联络。与此同时,警方用鱼网围住了那只船。At the same time. the police enclosed the ship with fishnet.

这时,一个手拿鱼网的人站在湖边,没错,那就是我!Then, a hand fishnet people stood by the lake, yes, that's me!

这张大号床装饰有一个手工编织的网眼顶罩。The queen-size bed is decorated with a handsome fishnet canopy.

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在这个游戏中有两个角色,一个是鱼,另一个是鱼网。There are two roles in this game, one is fish the other is fishnet.

知识象张鱼网,网越宽越牢,网住的鱼就越多。Knowledge is like a fishnet the wider and stronger it is the more fish it catches.

做工精致,细腻柔滑,细网孔透出简约和知性。Exquisite quality, smooth and soft, small fishnet disclose your intellectuality and sexiness.

小而精和鱼网是两回事,两种不同的理念!Small and essence of life and fishnet are two different matters, two kinds of different concepts!

本实用新型提供了一种滚筒式鱼网辊,用于渔船起网机起放网。The utility model provides a platen type fishnet roller, used for the net hauler of a fishing boat to pick and place a net.

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渔夫带着他的大网,出海捕鱼,一天下来,捕到了许多鱼,他唱着歌,高高兴兴地回了家。The fisherman msde a large number of fish with the larger fishnet in a day . He went home singing on the way and was very happy.

卡戴珊家族也因鼓励这个年轻女孩浓妆加鱼网上衣去刻意性感的行为受到批评。The Kardashian clan was criticized for encouraging the young girl, shown in full makeup and a fishnet top, to model such a sexy look.

图中三位渔夫以网捕鱼,两渔夫往后用力拉起大网,一渔夫前倾在大网中捞鱼,生动描绘了渔夫的劳作情形。Three fishermen are fishing with fishnet. Two fishers are drawing back the big net at full tilt. Another is pitching to fish out the fishes.

渔妇无可奈何,放下拉罾的绳子,上了船,进了舱,拿起一个碗,从河里舀了一碗水,转身给孩子喝。The pull down feel helpless, fishnet rope, on the boat, into the cabin, grab a bowl, a bowl of water from the river, turned to the baby to drink.

鱼网状的长袜,公羊的犄角,摩托车的油箱仅是几种象征。这些象征把观看者带入一种形态与表层相混合的异国情调中。Fishnet stockings, ram horns, and motorcycle tanks are just a few of the symbols used to lure the viewer into this exotic blend of form and surface.

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网中确实有许多鱼,鱼儿们拼命地向大海深处游去,把渔夫的小船也拉得翻了身。It was certaim that there were many fishes in the fishnet , but the fish were swimming so heavily to the deep sea that the small boat was turned over.

一种方法是使用纳米尺寸的置于网眼结构中的银镁氟化物栅格,而另一种则采用银制纳米线。One approach used nanometre-scale stacks of silver and magnesium fluoride in a "fishnet" structure, while another made use of nanowires made of silver.

5岁的洛特-皮卡德很为自己那粉色的网眼袜和系带小凉鞋得意,小姑娘觉得这些东西很性感,而且喜欢自己看上去性感。Five-year-old Lotte Pickard loves her pink fishnet stockings her strappy sandals, which she says, are sexy. "I like to look sexy, " the little girl explains.