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打了壁球。Played racquetball.

他现在十六岁了,喜欢户外活动,墙上网球和女孩子。Now 16, he likes the outdoors, racquetball and girls.

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礼拜六早上去打壁球吧。Would you like to play racquetball this Saturday morning?

我每天按部就班地外出工作,并在闲暇时玩壁球。I work out on a daily basis and I play racquetball in between.

这个嘛,我是和一个朋友在体育馆玩壁球。Well, I was at the gym playing racquetball with a friend of mine.

回力球、举重和保龄球都是整年性的勾当。Racquetball , weightlifting and bowling are year-round activities.

要是你很有兴致,可以学习一项新的运动。If you’re so inclined, pick up a new sport. Learn to play racquetball.

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你甚至可以用跳绳和手球式壁球来组合。You could even incorporate it into jumping rope or a sport like racquetball.

先锋壁球杂志在下一期的封面对Gonzolas进行了特别报道。The next issue of a leading racquetball magazine featured Gonzolas on its cover.

我喜欢国际象棋,壁球,做饭,和家人坐在一起,并喝一杯咖啡。I love chess, racquetball , cooking, sitting around and having a cup of coffee with family.

不要和已打了40年球的老家伙打壁球,他会让你惨败的。Never play racquetball with an old guy who has played handball for 40 years. He will destroy you.

有时,参与一个新的运动或活动,如网球、武术、壁球或高尔夫球可能也有帮助。Sometimes taking up a new sport or activity, such as tennis, martial arts, racquetball , or golf, may help.

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网球和短网拍墙球都不失为促进心血管系统和周身肌体功能的很棒的锻炼方式。Try something new. Tennis and racquetball are great alternative workouts. Both provide cardio and an allover workout.

牵头社论调查和询问,为了解释这个之前从未发生在职业壁球巡回赛上事情。The lead editorial searched and questioned for an explanation for the first ever occurrence on the professional racquetball circuit.

一个健身俱乐部,配有游泳池,健身房和壁球场,另外还设有设备完善的商务中心。An extensive health club with swimming pool, gym, squash and racquetball courts is featured alongside a fully-equipped business center.

我喜欢打壁球、打短柄墙球、潜水、冲浪、骑自行车、去艺术博物馆、室内攀岩、滑翔、滑雪,我将尝试其它有趣的活动。I like to play squash, racquetball , scuba dive, surf, bicycle, go to the art museums, indoor rock climb, jet ski, ski, and will try just about anything else that looks like fun.

在快节奏的壁球比赛后或者泳池游了几圈后,你经常会发现忘记了当天的困境和烦恼,并且全神贯注于身体运动上。After a fast-paced game of racquetball or several laps in the pool, you'll often find that you've forgotten the day's dilemmas and irritations and concentrated only on your body's movements.