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卫哲的从容和冷静缘于他的“金领简历”。Wei Zhe calm and cool due to his "Jinling curriculum vitae."

大部分人是希望在这里能赚取足够的钱,并且给自己的履历表添光加彩。Most expect to make good money and burnish their curricula vitae.

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可分为有照片和无照片两种方式浏览简历。Can be divided into photo and non-photo browsing two curriculum vitae.

又是一年招聘季,校园里,简历在风中飘荡。Another year recruiting season, the campus, curriculum vitae in the wind.

第十九章中,我谈论你必须在你的简历。In Chapter XIX, I talk about what you must have in your Curriculum Vitae.

你需要在你的简历要市场自己的完美的工作吗?What Do You Need in Your Curriculum Vitae To Market Yourself for that Perfect Job?

现将证明人的姓名,地址,电话号码写人本人简历一并寄上。I have included my referees'names, addresses and phone numbers in my curriculum vitae.

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我希望有英语高手可以帮我设计一份英文简历以及面试口语。I hope I can help English master design a curriculum vitae and interviews spoken English.

随信附上我的工作履历表和一些供您参考,若您将来有任何问题请不用客气随时与我联络。I have attached a copy of my curriculum vitae and a couple of course syllabi for your reference.

当你在你的职业生涯中取得了任何成果,都不要忘了更新你的简历。Do not forget to update your Curriculum Vitae every time you have achieved something in your professional life.

提案响应文档中包含有资源模型,并附有候选者的姓名和他们的简历。The proposal response document includes this resource model along with names of candidates and their curriculum vitae.

五发起人姓名、籍贯、住居所、履历及认股金额。Names, native places, home addresses and curriculum vitae of each promoter and the amount of shares subscribed by each promoter.

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要知道,人事主管常常会同时面对几百甚至几千份简历。To know that the personnel in charge often in the face at the same time or even hundreds of thousands of copies of curriculum vitae.

是什么吸引着众多广告人才纷纷对及时沟通芳心暗许?让我们翻一翻他的履历。What makes a large number of talented people be interested in timely communication on advertisement? Let us read his curriculum vitae.

c的保加利亚大马士革玫瑰纯露,取材于巴黎绯黛在卡赞勒克玫瑰谷拥有的700亩“玫瑰皇后”种植园。Vitae Rose Essence Nutrition Colour Control Care Cream uses Paris Vitae 700 mus "Rose Queen" plant which stays in Kazanlik rose valley.

假期将至,从我打十四岁起开始自己的人生以来,公司和学校都会在此时举行酒会或派对。THE holiday season comes, and with it parties and receptions given by every employer and every school on my curriculum vitae since the age of 14.

塔座雕刻仙鹤、麒麟、花卉等图案,素雅大方,并镌死者姓名、生卒年月、师传等简历。Tazuo crane sculpture, unicorn, flowers and other patterns , Plain Jane generous, and Juan deceased name, birth date , the division-such as curriculum vitae.

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秘书处将确保提名和履历翻译成世卫组织六种正式语言并在2006年10月5日之前将其发送所有会员国。The Secretariat translated the proposals and curricula vitae into the six official languages of WHO and dispatched them to all Member States by 5 October 2006.

你发现一名新员工的个人简历中提供的信息不真实,她夸大了自己的经历并在其资质方面说了谎。You discover that information a new employee has included on her curriculum vitae is not true. She has exaggerated her experience and lied about her qualifications.

但在LinkedIn,许多精神医生通过建立档案,上传培训资料、出版物等,建立商业联系。On LinkedIn, many psychiatrists have created a profile, with data populated from their curriculum vitae such as training information and publications, to create new business connections.