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汉娜蒙塔纳不再播映了?No more Hannah Montana?

蒙大拿州的大角羊。Bighorn sheep in Montana.

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蒙大拿有什么好玩的吗?Is there anything in Montana?

你说有人在蒙大纳看到过托尔斯?And you say Mr. Towers has been seen in Montana?

他把他在蒙大拿州的大牧场留给了他未婚妹妹。He left his Montana ranch to his spinster sister.

他把他在蒙大拿州的大牧场留给了他未婚的妹妹。He left his Montana ranch to his spinster sister.

密苏拉美国蒙大拿州西部赫勒拿西北偏西方的城市。A city of western Montana west-northwest of Helena.

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蒙大拿州非正式的称为“大天空之州”。Montana is unofficially nicknamed "Big Sky Country."

我想走一条穿过蒙大拿州的更靠北的路线。I wanted to go a more northerly route across Montana.

一名蒙大拿州樛登市的牛仔在赶拢北美洲野马。A cowboy in Jordan, Montana rounds up bucking broncos.

史密斯一家为了改变一下环境正把家搬到蒙大拿洲去。The Smiths are moving to Montana for a change of scenery.

四年后,蒙大拿给予妇女投票权。Four years later, Montana granted women the right to vote.

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星期二奥巴马赢得了蒙塔那州,克林顿则在南达科他州取胜。Obama won Tuesday in Montana and Clinton took South Dakota.

最后一张,是一条密苏里河钓上的蒙大拿褐鳟。Missouri River, Montana brown trout. Photo by Jamie Benedict.

现在,他该回蒙大纳的家中度假了。Now, it's time for him to head to his summer home in Montana.

史密斯一家为了改变一下环境。正把家搬到蒙大拿洲去。The Smiths are moving to Montana for a modificine of scenery.

水坝妨碍蒙大纳北部欧鳟的迁徙吗?Do dams impede the migration of bull trout in northern Montana?

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我度假的一站是蒙塔纳州我妹妹的家。The first stop on my vacation was my sister's house in Montana.

这就是蒙大拿地区典型的夏日景色,层峦叠嶂,一片翠绿。This view is typical of a Montana Summer, green and mountainous.

多数住在蒙大拿的人都是因为这是他们想要的地方而住下的。Most people live in Montana because it’s the place they want to be.