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我先尝一块杏仁的。I'll try an almond one first.

孕期可不可以吃大杏仁呢?Pregnancy can eat big almond?

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她尝出饼中有杏仁味道。She tasted almond in the cake.

难道你想红杏出墙?You consider a red almond wall?

杏仁被认为能改善记忆力。Almond is believed to improve memory.

眼为黑褐色,呈杏仁状。The dark brown eyes are almond shaped.

薰衣草、迷迭香、天竺葵、荷荷芭、甜杏仁油等。Lavender, Jojoba, Sweet Almond and so on.

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这个年轻的姑娘长著一双杏眼。The young girl has a pair of almond eyes.

尝试改用豆奶或杏仁乳。Try switching to soy milk or almond milk.

用手扭动隔布榨出杏仁汁。Hand twist cloth to squeeze out almond juice.

他把他的杏仁饼干藏在架子顶上。He hides his almond cookies in the top-shelf.

玫瑰玫瑰我爱你,爱你的杏眼。Rose, Rose, I love you with your almond eyes.

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现在分类在李属的桃树和杏仁树。And knock them little almond trees in the back.

花生,核桃,杏仁,瓜籽。Peanuts, Walnut, Almond Sliced, Sunflower Seed.

加入蛋黄和杏仁油,把他们混合起来。Add the egg yolk and the almond oil and mix well.

用筛过滤糖粉、仁粉及可可粉中的粗粒。Sieve icing sugar, ground almond and cocoa powder.

杏仁挞,里头塞满了熟透的甜蜜水果。An almond tart, stuffed with the sweet, ripe fruit.

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不问阿玛杏儿为什么害宝宝了?Don 't ask Ma almond did the son why impair a baby?

散发淡淡的清香与杏仁花和蜂蜜。Delicately fragranced with Almond Flowers and Honey.

我不知道这里有没有非常喜欢吃杏仁的人。I don't know if there any big almond eaters out there.