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你的性别。Your sex.

性本善。Sex is good.

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你知道的全部都是性。All you know is sex.

你能发生性关系吗?Can you have ze sex?

而我,叫我的狗“性生活”。I call my dog "Sex".

性便是其中一个话题。Sex is one of those.

什么是密宗性爱?What is Tantric sex?

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不要共享性玩具。Don't share sex toys.

重新疏导性活力。Re-channel sex energy.

性之外还有生活。Theres life after sex.

这条鱼是公的还是母的。What sex is this fish?

我要那样做爱。I'll have sex with that.

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男性的腋窝的味道很性感。Male armpit sex is sexy.

你所做的一切都是性。Everything you do is sex.

你和谁做爱?Who do you have sex with?

性爱是一种美容美体。Sex is a beauty treatment.

生活性福甜蜜。Life sex blessing is sweet.

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什么水果是温性的?What fruit is lukewarm sex?

你不想享受性吗?Don’t you want to enjoy sex?

外师性别的优先选择?。Preference for the FT's sex?