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这个结论在人类学上是极端重要的。It is a conclusion of deep importance in ethnology.

汉德森博士是著名的亚洲民族学专家。Dr. Henderson is a famous expert on Asian ethnology.

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民族服饰在民族学、考古学中占有重要位置。National attire takes an important place in ethnology and archaeology.

最近,一些人类学家开展了一项有趣的民族学案例研究。Recently some anthropologist conducted an interesting case study in ethnology.

现为云南民族博物馆副馆长、副研究馆员。A. in Ethnology , the vice curator of Yunnan Nationalities Museum and an associate professor.

文章指出开展少数民族哲学研究,是民族学和民族问题研究的题中应有之义。The study of the minority philosophy is included in ethnology and the study of ethnic problems.

民族、民族国家历来是民族学、人类学研究的核心概念。Nationality and national country have been basic concepts in ethnology and anthropology researches.

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西西伯利亚的养鹿业类型学研究是俄罗斯民族学的一个重要课题。The pattern of the Reindeer Industry in West Siberian of Russia is an important issue for ethnology.

本丛书既有深刻的人类学、民族学的学术价值,同时又有极强的可读性。It's of the great academic value of anthropology and ethnology while it is also of strong readability.

影视民族学在我国还是一门新兴的分支学科,在学科名称上还不统一。In China, visual ethnology is a new branch of ethnology, and there is no agreement on its academic name.

包括西方文化史、民族学、军事史、矿物学和大量艺术收藏品。The museum includes western cultural history ethnology military history mineralogy and a large art collections.

位于首都布达佩斯的「匈牙利民族博物馆」中,有许多关于匈奴的珍贵考古资料。The Hungarian Museum of Ethnology in Budapest has a valuable collection of archaeological materials on the Huns.

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分析研究咒语的内容及其形式具有一定的社会语言学及民族学价值。Analysis and research on contents and its form of curse possess certain value of social-linguistics and ethnology.

文彦建筑哲学的系统中枢由建筑学与人类文化学交叉凝聚成基本支撑框架。The centrum of Fumihiko Maki's architectural philosophy system is constituted by the interaction of architecture and ethnology.

宗教人类学研究的宗教与宗教行为密切相关,仪式过程与功能始终是宗教研究的两个重要范畴。Religious ethnology studies the close relation of religion and religious behavior, focusing on the process and function of rites.

木文研究科学技术史的社会功能,提出了一些新的见解。This peper studied the social functions of the history of science and ethnology. It raises some new interpretations of the topic.

民族学就是因为这样的实践和整合而成为一门与时俱进的活的学科。So, because of the practice and the unification, the ethnology become an "alive" knowledge and it goes forward along with the time.

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本文运用民族学、人类学的理论与方法,研究蒙古族服饰文化的特点。The dissertation will use the theory and method of Ethnology and Anthropology to analyze the character of Mongolian costume culture.

另外,藏品中还有一些陶罐、瓷器和兽形容器等反映人类文明的文物。In addition, the collection includes ethnology -related artefacts such as jars, ceramics, and animal-shaped containers for holding lime.

历史民族学和民族历史学是分属于民族学和历史学的不同学科,它们有不同的学科发展背景。Historic ethnology and ethnohistory belong respectively to ethnology and history. They have different discipline origins and development.