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史蒂夫韦恩,亿万富翁赌场大亨。Steve Wynn, multi-billionaire casino magnate.

这个石油大亨被指控犯有放高利贷罪。The oil magnate was charged with being guilty of usury.

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征募的贵族民团和权贵的私军与他同行。With him went the noble levy and the private magnate armies.

生前众叛亲离的富豪在亲友聚会中遇害。The magnate was murdered at a gathering of relatives and friends.

赫斯特是美国报纸巨头也是主要的报纸出版商。Hearst was an American newspaper magnate and leading newspaper publisher.

其中一位是报业大王威廉·鲁道夫·赫斯特的父亲乔治·赫斯特。One was George Hearst, father of newspaper magnate William RandolphHearst.

出手阔绰的慈善家们随之出现了,比如回收业巨头陈光标。Flashy philanthropists have emerged, like the recycling magnate Chen Guangbiao.

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那位报巨子决定与另一家公司合并,以扩展他的企业王国。The press magnate decided on a merger with another company to expand his empire.

作为食品业巨头赫夫·夜明者的儿子,比格斯的物质条件比大多数农场孩子要好。The son of food magnate Huff Darklighter, Biggs had things better than most farm children.

艾克,闻名全巴西的矿石巨头,带着我们这样兜风对他来说就是九牛一毛。Eike, as the minerals magnate is known in Brazil, could easily afford to give us this joyride.

美国石油大王哈默,对于利润小的铅笔生意一样十分重视。U. S. oil magnate Hamer , for profit, like a small pencil attached great importance to the business.

太阳城由酒店大亨梭尔·柯兹纳开发,作为他太阳国际集团资产的一部分。Sun City was developed by the hotel magnate Sol Kerzner as part of his Sun International group of properties.

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从1980年起,澳大利亚巨商鲁珀特·默多赫在澳大利亚、英国和美国开始出版报纸。By 1980 the Australian magnate Rupert Murdoch was publishing newspapers in Australia, Great Britain and the US.

王史鹏再次出现,并答应金皓薰出面证明是钜子国际设局陷害翱翔天际。Wang Shipeng appears again, and promised to prove the international magnate Kaoru Jin set up flying in the sky.

新投资者包括芝加哥金融家山姆•泽尔、演员希拉里•斯万克和购物中心大亨赫伯•西蒙。New investors include Sam Zell, the Chicago financier, actress Hillary Swank and Herb Simon, the shopping mall magnate.

这一意外让传媒大亨相对默默无闻,来自中国的第三任妻子一扇闻名。The now-infamous incident propelled the Chinese third wife of the media magnate from relative unknown to hero of the hour.

房地产巨头巴特额尔德尼·卡巴松正在那达慕大会前指导他的赛马师。那达慕大会是首都城外一年一度的盛会。Real estate magnate Bat-Erdene Khadbaasan instructs his racehorse trainer before Naadam, an annual festival outside the capital.

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传媒巨头默多克的老婆,李文迪到时候也会为她在自己北京家的后院举办一个私人派对。Wendi Murdoch, the wife of the media magnate Rupert Murdoch, might host a private party at the Murdochs’ courtyard home in Beijing.

中国共有594位亿万富翁,其中大连万达集团地产巨头王健林排在首位,而美国亿万富翁人数只有535位。Property magnate Wang Jianlin of Dalian Wanda tops the list of 594 billionaires in the country, ahead of 535 billionaires in the US.

苏丹出生的大资本家易卜拉欣在坦桑尼亚一个新闻发布会上称,许多非洲国家面积太小,不足以继续独立存在。Many African states are too small to continue to exist independently, Sudan-born magnate Mo Ibrahim has told a conference in Tanzania.