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牙齿移位是最常见的外伤类型。The most common injuries were luxation.

平托的这种能力通常被称做“眼球脱臼”。Pinto's ability is called "globe luxation.

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晶状体脱位是指晶状体从正常部位脱离。Lens luxation is a displacement of the lens from its normal position.

我使用两支压迫性半螺纹的骨骡子做两侧肠荐关节的固定。I used two lag screws to fix two luxation sides on the sacroiliac joints.

孕19周和23周的超声对比怀疑肘脱位。Sonographic comparison at 19 and 23 weeks GA with suspected elbow luxation.

目的评价片段弓矫治技术治疗前牙外伤的效果。Objective To evaluate the clinical curative effect of segmental arch technique in incisor luxation.

大部分眼睛过大的猫都会被诊断为患有“先天性晶状体脱位”。Other cats who have been born with large eyes, have later been diagnosed with spontaneous lens luxation.

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方法回顾60例各种踝关节骨折及脱位的手术治疗。Methods To review the operative treatment of various kinds of fracture and luxation of anklebone in 60 cases.

目的探讨外伤性眼球脱臼的发病机制、临床表现和处理原则。Objective To investigate the mechanism, clinical features and treatment principle of traumatic luxation of the eyeball.

髋臼发育不良常常会导致髋关节半脱位或脱位,并发骨性关节炎。Acetabular dysplasia often leads to not only subluxation and luxation of the hip joint but also osteoarthritis of the hip joint.

结论在急性颈椎损伤中CT能安全、快捷地对骨折、脱位、外伤性椎管狭窄等做出全面准确的诊断。Conclusion If the patient has the acute cervical trauma, CT can diagnose the fracture, luxation and spinal stenosis more safely and precisely.

脊柱严重弯曲、椎管缩细、脊椎不稳定和椎骨脱位或骨折均能引起神经疾病。Neurologic signs result from severe angulation of the spine, narrowing of the spinal canal, instability of the spine, and luxation or fracture of the vertebrae.

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结果本组眼外伤后眼压增高者的临床表现包括外伤性虹膜睫状体炎、前房积血、晶体脱位与玻璃体积血等。Results Clinical situations of ocular hypertension induced by blunt injuries include traumatic iridocyclitis, hyphema, luxation of lens, vitreous hemorrhage, etc.