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她的头发渐渐变得花白,是他很担心。He is worried that her hair is becoming grayer slowly.

他变得更瘦,头发更少,脸色也更灰白,而且布满了皱纹。He was thinner , balder , and grayer , and his face had a crumpled look.

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皱纹已经爬满了她的额头,头发也越来越花白了。Wrinkles have already climbed onto her forehead and her hair is getting grayer and grayer.

亨利叔叔坐在门口的阶沿上,烦恼地望着比平时更加灰色的天空。Uncle Henry sat upon the doorstep and looked anxiously at the sky, which was even grayer than usual.

他看上去要比1998年奥斯卡颁奖典礼上温和许多——头发长了,又添了白发,脸刮得干干净净。He looks softer than he didatthe Oscars in 1998 — his hair is longer and grayer and hisfaceclean-shaven.

张爱玲对月亮的灰色透视,如同她对人生的灰色理解一样,独特而深刻。Zhang Ailing's ashen perspective on moon, like her grayer understanding of life, is unique and profound.

但是,中国的经济是道瑞格雷模式,年轻和自由流动的全球身份下隐藏着一个灰暗的现实。But China’s is a kind of Dorian Gray economy, its young and footloose global identity hiding a grayer reality.

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让麦克基洛普已经花白的头发更添白发的后勤挑战,还不仅仅是这个。And that was not the end of the logistical challenges that turned Mr. McKillop's already gray hair even grayer.

所以,如果头发开始脱落,白的还是那么多,那么应该引起重视了。So, if the dark hairs fall out and the already white ones remain, the result is hair that looks suddenly grayer.

日复一日,月复一月,年复一年,我们眼看着那黑人的头发变白了,背也驼了,还照旧提着购货篮进进出出。Daily, monthly, yearly we watched the Negro grow grayer and more stooped, going in and out with the market basket.

他头上戴了一顶有三个角的帽子,可能在帽子还新的时候是给这个少年满头银发的父亲戴的。On his head was a three-conrnered hat , which in it's better days had perhaps sheltered the grayer head of the lad's father.

奥巴马最近注意到,自他担任总统两年半以来,他的头发变得相当花白,不过奥巴马说,尽管如此,他的妻子米歇尔认为,他的样子还很英俊潇洒。Mr. Obama recently observed that his hair has turned considerably grayer in the 2.5 years since he became president. But he said his wife, Michelle, still thinks he is “cute.”

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就记忆而言,相较于睡眠,体育锻炼是个灰色地带,但似乎有大量的有力的证据证明匀称的体态和良好的认识能力是有联系的。Physical exercise is a somewhat grayer area than sleep when it comes to memory, but there seems to be a reasonable body of evidence suggesting that physical fitness and cognitive fitness are linked.