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我办公室中的任何一个人都可以接替你的经理职务。Any one could supersede you as manager in my office.

今后,机器人必将取代人类的繁重劳动。In the future, robots will supersede human beings for very heavy work.

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放化疗结合治疗头颈肿瘤可以代替外科?。Would Chemoradiation Supersede Surgery in the Management of Head and Neck Neoplasm?

在这些情况下,对手之间的私人关系替代合同关系。The personal bond between counterparts will, in these cases, supersede the contract.

交流三相温升试验能用交流单相串联试验替代吗?Can ac single-phase series connection supersede ac three-phase temperature rise test?

新的异常应该取代仍未处理的早先的异常吗?Should the new exception supersede the earlier exception that has not yet been handled?

这种厚颜行为大概既高盛和鲍尔斯以后无人能敌。The effrontery of that may well supersede anything Goldman and Paulson are alleged to have done.

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以下作出之投资委?及现有重组基金结馀将会取代以前递交之指示。The investment mandate and re-balancing instruction given below will supersede all those recorded previously.

人类和生态系统的福址应该超越纯粹经济的考虑,因为经济依赖生态系统。Human and ecological wellbeing must supersede economic concerns if only because economies depend on ecosystems.

同一应用程序的多个版本是否可以同时运行,或者新版本是否会取代旧版本?Will multiple versions of the same application run concurrently, or does a new version supersede an older version?

未来通过对该系统辐射的观测来测试相对论将取代最好的太阳系测试。Future tests of general relativity by radio observations of this system will supersede the best Solar System tests available.

解释这个需求很简单——SOA治理的权力必须要大于受管对象的权力。This requirement has very simple explanation – the SOA Governance authority has to supersede the authority of governed subjects.

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但是众议院监督委员会说它的传票会取代强制令,并且Biller先生计划全程合作。But the House oversight committee said its subpoena would supersede the injunction and that Mr Biller planned to “fully co-operate”.

由ISA99第4工作组定义的标准将取代原有的工业测试和认证标准,但在2011年之前这可能不会实现。Standards defined by ISA99 WG4 will supersede the previous industry testing and certification efforts, but probably not before 2011.

但是,当联邦宪法或联邦法律与州宪法或州法律相抵触时,州宪法和州法律服从联邦宪法和联邦法律。The U.S. Constitution and federal law, however, supersede state constitutions and state laws in areas where they are in disagreement.

工会在推行厂务公开制度中,具有其他部门所不可替代的重要作用。Trade unions have the distinctive effect that the other department cant' supersede in the course of carrying out industrial democracy.

超稠油的规模开发,弥补了资源接替的不足,保持了曙光油田的产能水平。The application in large scale has maintenanced the level of product of Shuguang oil field which make up for the lack of resource supersede.

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更有甚者,某些学者和工程人员不负责任地鼓吹计算机最终会因其优越行而取代教授。Worst of all, some scholars and engineers even imprudently "forecast" that computers will finally replace or supersede teachers in education.

任何一方不能在业务订单或以其他形式的修改、取代或更改本协定的各项规定。No provisions in either party's purchase orders or other business forms will modify, supersede or otherwise alter the terms of this agreement.

川中须家河气藏是川渝地区近年勘探开发的重点区块之一,为川渝气田上产的主要接替层系。Xujiahe gas reservoir of mid-Sichuan gas field is one of the most important exploration and development area and the main supersede layer system.