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每个证书都有过期日期。Each certificate has an expiry.

你从国书馆借的小说书哪一天到期?。What is the expiry date on your library novel?

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检查所有泡沫灭火器的过期时间。Check he expiry date for all foam extinguisher.

再入境签证号码,发证日期,截止日期。Re-entry Visa No. date of issue, date of expiry.

我们可以在代办别人代理协议期满时续订。We can renew the agreement of agency on its expiry.

有没有足够的灭火筒或其他防火设备?Detail list of fire fighting equipment with date of expiry.

如果,朋友是罐头,那你和我就是没有有效日期的蜜糖。If friends are like cans, we are like honey with no expiry.

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偿付授权书不应规定有效日期。The reimbursement authorization should not be subject to an expiry date.

调用一个计时器处理例程以处理重新传输计时器的计时到期。A timer handling routine is called to process the retransmission timer expiry.

请在避孕套的失效日期前使用,每盒避孕套均印有储存期五年。Condoms have an expiry date printed on the pack. Check that yours are current.

融资成本会随牛熊证接近到期日而逐渐减少。Funding costs are gradually reduced over time as the CBBC moves towards expiry.

我们希望修改已放入本地伫列的讯息的讯息到期值。We wish to modify the message expiry of messages already placed in a local queue.

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我们希望修改已放入本地队列的消息的消息到期值。We wish to modify the message expiry of messages already placed in a local queue.

除非信用证另有规定,本证于2004年7月17日在受益人国家到期。Expiry date July.17,2004 in the country of the beneficiary unless otherwise stated.

除非信用证另有规定,本证于2004年7月17日在受益人国野到期。Expiry date July. 17,2004 in the country of the beneficiary unless otherwise stated.

本人会于已获批准的延迟修业期完结后复课。I undertake to resume studies following the expiry of the deferment period approved.

扔掉所有已过期的药、面霜和处方药。Toss all medicines, creams, and prescriptions that have exceeded their expiry dates.

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伪造或者模糊标注生产日期、安全使用期或者失效日期等。Forging or blurring the production date, safe use date or expiry date of a commodity.

有些差价合约有特定的有效期,持仓将在有效期满时自动平仓。Some CFDs have a set expiry date, upon which the position will be closed automatically.

一种只允许持有者在到期日行权的期权或权证。A type of option or warrant which allows the holder to exercise only on the expiry date.