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该模型简洁紧凑,可理解性好。This model is simple, compact and good intelligibility.

信号中断了,因此不存在清晰度。The signal breaks up, hence there is no intelligibility.

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发现转换语音的可懂性和自然度都不高。But the intelligibility and quality of the converted speech are bad.

所以符号的意义来源于它的惯例。Okay. So the intelligibility of sign systems is their conventionality.

出于上述所有调谐器,最好的清晰度是F1HD对广泛耐药。Out of all the above tuners, the intelligibility is best on the XDR-F1HD.

不同的特征对字码可懂度的影响力的进一步研究是必要的。Further research on the effects of different characteristics on intelligibility is necessary.

根据以上步骤得到的增强语音有较高的信噪比及可懂度。Following the scheme provided above, we can get the speech signal with higher SNR and intelligibility.

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奈达,纽马克和弗米尔都很注重译文的明白易懂和可读性。Nida, Newmark and Vermeer all pay special attention to the intelligibility and readability of the target text.

正义如果趋从于规则中的逻辑而不注重实践经验的总结,法律就会渐渐地失去其可理解性和合法性。If justice prefers logic in rules to summarization of practice, law will lose its intelligibility and validity.

高频重塑的目的是为弱人士提供全频率段声音的可听性,并搞高言语可懂度。SoundRecover is about providing audibility for the full spectrum of sounds and enhancing speech intelligibility.

虽然适度扭曲,只是足够的清晰度,特别是当信号强度增加。Although moderately distorted, the intelligibility is just adequate, especially when the signal strength increases.

增强后的语音具有更好的可懂度和清晰度。The enhanced speech signals of the proposed algorithm have better clearness and intelligibility besides higher output SNR.

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言语若采用经调制后的方波或调幅波传递,将会获得满意的可懂度。With square wave or amplitude modulating wave transmission, the speech communication will have satisfactory intelligibility.

差异的文化政治跟坦言、真诚、可理解性和移情有很大关系。The cultural politics of difference has a lot to do with what counts as truth-telling, sincerity, intelligibility and empathy.

本文旨在探讨空间构形的内在可读性与在寻路之间的关系。The aim of this essay is to discuss the relationship between the intelligibility of spatial configuration and way-finding performance.

这种类型是为数不对语音清晰度要求不高的活动。This type of spectacle was one of the few that did not require a high degree of speech intelligibility for its appreciation by the audience.

不仅是急剧倾斜的座位,前工业化社会的低背景噪音都使语音清晰度得到了提高。Intelligibility was enhanced, not only by the steeply raked seating, but also by the naturally low background noise of a preindustrial society.

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不过,其中一个问题是,单位木制面板,可能产生问题的思考妥协可懂度和音乐素质。However, one of the problems is that flat wooden panels may generate problematic reflections compromising the intelligibility and music quality.

实验结果表明,本文的转换语音在音质和可懂度上均得到了有效的提高。The results and analysis of the experiment show that, the system can convert whispered speech successfully with high quality and intelligibility.

也就是说,它们都是我们应用的交流模式,帮助我们理解周围的世界。In other words, all of them are modes of communication with which we function, the intelligibility of which allows us to negotiate the world around us.