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优柔寡断是他失败的原因。Vacillation is the cause of his failure.

柔嫩寡断是他失败的原因。Vacillation is the cause of his failure.

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不必要的犹豫,只会耽误时间。Unnecessary vacillation will only be a waste of time.

我们为了信条中有太多不一致和动摇的地方而感到苦恼。We are vexed by too much inconsistency and vacillation in our creed.

他那引以为豪的调和能力更像是优柔寡断的标志。His vaunted skills in conciliation are beginning to look like vacillation.

我们说党的基本路线要管一百年,要长治久安,就要靠这一条。We should adhere to the Basic line for a hundred years, with no vacillation.

到目前为止,美国国债价格几乎没有因为华盛顿在政治上的犹豫不决而受到影响。So far, Treasury prices have been barely dented by the political vacillation in Washington.

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这就是为什么我们望向历史深处,回忆这个国家在一百多年来的兜兜转转。That is why we look to the depths of history and recall this country's century-long vacillation.

我想做有战斗力的战时经济的努力,又因希特勒的犹豫不决而告吹。Once again my efforts to organize an effective war economy had been ruined by hitler's vacillation.

它们是贪婪,憎恨,愤怒,昏沉和掉举。They are greed for sensual pleasure, hatred, mental lethargy, restlessness, and mental vacillation.

对于自由意志这个问题的传统说法,是指行为者在作最后决定之前的那种踌躇考虑。The traditional treatment of the problem of free will refers to the actor's vacillation before the final resolution.

踌躇和争论在这里吵得很激烈,一种观点占一行,另一观点在下一行。The vacillation and debate become quickest here as one point of view gets one line and the other the rhyming next line.

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踌躇和争论在这里吵得很激烈,一种观点占一行,另一观点在下一行。The vacillation and debate become quickest here as one point of view gets one line and the other the rhyming next line.

他在应对一起叛乱时,因优柔寡断而招致灾祸,最后被西班牙军队逮捕,带着镣铐押送回国。Back in Hispaniola he displayed a disastrous vacillation in dealing with a rebellion and was arrested by Spanish troops and sent back to Spain in chains.

社会转型期人们信念产生动摇的原因是复杂的,需要深入分析并从理论上给予回答。The reasons for the vacillation of belief during the transformation period are complicated and required to be analyzed intensively and explored theoretically.

后现代场景中文学的低俗化和无意义性不仅仅是社会转型的产物,也是形式的形而上地位动摇带来的结果。Post-modern literatures vulgarity and insignificance are not only the product of social transformation, but also the result of metaphysical status vacillation of form.

选取西北地区资料年代较长的171个地面测站1961~2003年历年降水量,深入研究了西北地区降水资源变化特征及其对农业生产的影响。Using the data of 171 observations from 1961 to 2003 in Northwest China, the paper analyzes the impact of precipitation resources vacillation on agriculture in Northwest China.

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更要激励民族气节,反对动摇变节,提高对敌斗争的勇气,树立必胜信念。It is even more important to arouse people's national integrity, oppose vacillation and treason, heighten their courage to fight the enemy and foster their confidence in victory.

而对一位政客来说更加无效,因为这只会为他的政治生涯留下一个动摇、犹豫乃至是存在致命素质的形象。That is especially ineffective for a politician because it creates an aura of vacillation and indecisiveness , fatal qualities for someone looking to move up the political ladder.

踌躇一诗写于系列诗,疯狂的珍妮之后,作为对这一系列诗的总结,作为对其中的争论的解决方式。Vacillation." The poem was written following a series of poems called the "Crazy Jane" poems, written as a kind of summary of them, a kind of resolution of the debates that go on in them.