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否则你会很挫败。Otherwise you’ll just frustrate yourself.

哪种类型的人会让你有挫败惑?。What types of people would frustrate you?

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修饰的标准可以使诚实的人感到挫败。The standard of embellishment can frustrate the honest.

虽然这样做可能让记者为难,但这种政策有其道理。Although this can frustrate a reporter, the policy makes sense.

绕口令一向让我很头大,因为我总是说错。Tongue twisters always frustrate me because I cannot say them correctly.

城市数量的增加会让最强大的电子计算机也感到畏惧。The increase of the numbers of the city would frustrate even the biggest computer.

现在他刚好有机会好好表现,给切尔西队制造一点困难,同时,又能帮助曼连队赢得冠军。And he would relish the chance to frustrate Chelsea and help United win the ­title.

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西克斯和吉雷特一直被认为在阻挠布瑞顿的出售工作。But Tom Hicks and George Gillett have consistently sought to frustrate his efforts.

我回纥的儿郎岂能连这点挫折也受不得?Do I return to the son Lang of He how could even can this frustrate also not stand?

我会很勇敢很勇敢的去面对,面对所有可能遇到的挫折。I would very the braveness is very brave of face, face to meet probably of frustrate.

然而,分析师预期选后的国会僵局将会使奥巴马的努力受挫.Analysts, however, expect post-election legislative gridlock to frustrate Obama's efforts.

为了更好的了解什么使你神经错乱的,把那些使你沮丧的情形记录下来。To get better sense of what makes you mad, keep a journal of situations that frustrate you.

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Kindle2可能帮助图书发行商的同时也继续远离期刊出版商。While Kindle 2 might help book publishers, it continues to frustrate periodical publishers.

但还有一些限制会极大地损害书籍爱好者和电子书籍分享者的热情But some of these restrictions are likely to frustrate book-lovers and would-be-eBook-sharers

假如挫折绊倒了向往,如果追求不止,希望就依然葱茏。Iif the frustrate tripped over to look forward to, if pursued not only, hope still spring onion.

昆虫学研究中常常会遇到对昆虫数量进行统计的工作。In the Entomology research, counting the individual numbers of Insects often frustrate the workers.

不民主的国家扼杀了本国公民的正当愿望,并助长怨恨情绪。Nondemocratic nations frustrate the rightful aspirations of their citizens and fuel resentment,” he said.

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这样的话,我们对颜色的个人喜恶会破坏我们对颜色的正确感知。In this way our personal attraction-or-aversion response to certain colors can frustrate accurate perception.

一场大范围的暴风雪给从佛吉尼亚到缅因州带来了半米深的积雪,这不仅仅使乘车者感到郁闷。A massive storm that dumped about a half-meter of snow from Virginia to Maine did more than frustrate motorists.

通信失败后,在重试阻止某些攻击类之前引入随机延迟。After a communication failure, random delays are introduced before retry to frustrate certain classes of attacks.