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经我们人思考效率不高是因为我们的观点太受限制。Often we think ineffectively because we take too limited a view.

然后你就能弄明白在什么地方你没有很有效的利用你的时间了。Then you should study it to see where you're spending time ineffectively.

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然而,尽管他们使用了这些工具,但通常却是无效的。However, although they are using these tools, too often they do so ineffectively.

他只保送两位打者,但是球数总是落后…很没效率的控球不好,你可以这麽说…He only walked two, but seemed to work behind most hitters. Ineffectively wild, you might say.

欧元区的政策制订者们仍在与本地区不断扩大的债务危机较量,但收效甚微。Eurozone policymakers continue to wrestle ineffectively with their own still-escalating debt crisis.

在一定程度上,他们经历的空虚和损失程度,努力调整它,往往不善。On some level, they experience degrees of emptiness and loss and try to adjust for it, often ineffectively.

鲍尔能感觉到阿雷特的双手伸向他的喉咙,只是因为戴着手铐无法行动自如。Bauer felt Arete's hands groping for his throat — ineffectively because of the handcuffs that hobbled his movement.

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中性点非有效接地系统中的线路单相接地故障定位是一个至今在国内外还没有很好解决的难题。Fault location in a neutral ineffectively grounded system when a single-phase-to-earth fault happened is a problem unsolved in the world.

中性点非有效接地亦称小电流接地,是我国中、低压配电网的主要运行方式。Neutral ineffectively earthed systems include neutral unearthed, neutral earthed by high resistance and neutral resonance earthed systems.

这项新报告指出,委员会提议的9项改革措施要么执行不力,要么被彻底地忽略。国务卿希拉里•克林顿谈及了这份报告。The new report noted that nine of the reforms proposed by the commission have either been carried out ineffectively or completely ignored.

提出了一种基于小波变换的配电网单相接地故障选线方法。A method of fault circuit selection selection based on wavelet transform is employed for single phase to ground fault in ineffectively grounded systems.

最后,从制度、执行等方面分析了管理脱节和政府失灵,了解其出现困境的原因。Third, analyze the reason of management disjoining and government ineffectively controlling, by ways of policies and administration, and Realize the reasons of difficulties.

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而企业信息网络的预警缺失或不当,导致安全事件不能及时有效的解决,给企业带来了巨大的损失。If organization's IT network is lack of proper pre-alarm, safety incidents will be solved inefficiently and ineffectively which will bring significant losses to the organization.

此外,建造单位无赔偿能力、司法体系执法不严往往会进一步降低对参建单位的质量控制激励作用,使得工程质量问题进一步恶化。Moreover, project participants' insolvency and ineffectively executing of law will further depress the participants' incentive of quality control, and make projects quality problem more deterioration.