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我们听说斯巴达在出征路途上。We heard Sparta was on the warpath.

与此同时,乌有之乡已经准备战斗。Utopia, meanwhile, has gone on the warpath

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这两个国家又在准备作战了。The two countries are on the warpath again.

与此同时,同时乌有之乡则整装待发。Utopia, meanwhile, has gone on the warpath.

政府对贩卖毒品的人采取了打击的态度。The government went on the warpath against drug traffickers.

那些政客为提高税收再次展开了行动。Those politicians are on the warpath for higher taxes again.

监管人员也开始反对商品投机分子。Regulators are on the warpath against commodities speculators.

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中国和德国采取行动反对美联储毫不奇怪。It's no mystery why China and Germany are on the warpath against the Fed.

学生们因学费增加之事怒气冲冲地走进办公室。The students came into the office on the warpath about the tuition increase.

学生们为了学费增加之事怒气冲冲地走进办公室。The students camesintosthe office on the warpath about the tuition increase.

史密斯太太正大发雷霆。我们打破了她家的窗子,她就开始对我们吼叫。Mrs. Smith is on the warpath. We broke her window and she started yelling at us.

这便是为什么中国的领导人看起来更像是被围困的人,而非开疆拓土的扩张者。This helps explain why Chinese leaders act more like people under siege than like people on an expansionist warpath.

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这个预算季,国会的共和党正就国内国外的家庭计划项目大加干预。Republicans in Congress have gone on the warpath this budget season against family planning programs at home and abroad.

大家明天一定要按时上班。最近晚点打出勤卡的人太多了,老板非常恼火。Be sure to be at work on time tomorrow, everybody. The boss is on the warpath because so many people have been punching in late recently.

国际新闻记者中心的声明也提到了他的另一篇报道,是关于中国的年轻人在玩一款叫“征途”的暴力电脑游戏时陷入付钱才能在游戏中生存的采访。It also cited his coverage of how young Chinese people playing a violent computer game called Warpath were pulled in to paying money to stay in the game.