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我喜欢吃鲔鱼。I love tuna fish.

金枪鱼和鲣鱼罐头。Canned Tuna and Bonito.

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潜水者和蓝鳍金枪鱼。Diver and Bluefin tuna.

吐拿鱼或鸡蛋沙拉?快决定!Tuna or egg salad? Decide!

来份鲔鱼砂锅饭。The tuna casserole, please.

那条金枪鱼重达200公斤。The tuna weighed 200 kilos.

此时,有一只鲔鱼向他们游了过来。Then, a tuna swam up to them.

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一个金枪鱼沙拉和一个水果沙拉。A Tuna Salad and a fruit salad.

再,它是金枪鱼和裸麦面包。Again, it is tuna and rye bread.

穿小羊驼,吃甜味薄烧鲔鱼片。Wearing vicuña. Eating ahi tuna.

一天,她给他吃了一口金枪鱼。One day she gave him a bite of tuna.

这金枪鱼的味道很像你妈妈的味道。This tuna tastes just like your mom.

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“我可以帮你们什么忙吗?”鲔鱼问道。"How can I help you?" asked the tuna.

起司加抹茶?…黑醋和吞拿鱼。Cheese and green tea? Black vinegar and tuna.

那你可以带点黑鲔鱼回来给我们吗?So can you bring some bluefish tuna back for us?

为了满足国内对鲔鱼的大量需求,日本的渔捞一直向外扩展。To feed its tuna hunger, Japan ranges far and wide.

这只猛禽又在盘旋了,这次桑提亚哥瞧见金枪鱼在太阳光下跃起。This time Santiago saw tuna leaping in the sunlight.

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乌雷比说,他夺下了卡扎菲手上拿的一把金枪。Ouray than that, he grabbed the Gaddafi hands, a tuna.

您想要的是两份金枪鱼三明治和一年夜壶咖啡,对吗?So it's two tuna sandwiches and a large pot of coffee.

塔维拉曾经就是以金枪鱼捕捞业而繁盛一时的地区。Tavira used to be a place devoted to the tuna fishing.