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免费,具有众多功能。A freeware option with a long feature list.

其中既有免费软件又有收费软件。These include both freeware and priced software.

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还在替你的爱机到处寻找好用又免费的软件么?Looking for some quality freeware programs for your PC?

由于迈克尔克兰福德免费为促进这一计划。Thanks to Michael Cranford for contributing this freeware program.

你输了什么,如果你下载免费软件版的这项计划。You lose nothing if you download FREEWARE Edition of this program.

在你花一个子儿之前,看一看已有的免费软件。Before you spend a dime, take a look at all the freeware out there.

好消息是这些工具大部分是免费软件。The good news for all of us is that most of these tools are freeware.

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请记住,开放源代码软件也是一个免费的选择。And remember that open source software is also a freeware alternative.

这个免费游戏会请您与平衡的经典的“三”的游戏吗?。This freeware game will please you with balanced classic "tris" gameplay, ?

这是一个免费版本的CNC控制程序编写的凯文卡罗尔。This is a freeware version of a CNC control program written by Kevin Carroll.

免费软件就是不要钱的文件,可以从网上下载。Freeware is software offered free of charge, downloadable off of the Internet.

此实用工具是释放免费供个人和非商业用途。This utility is released as freeware for personal and non-commercial use only.

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免费软件程序支持长文件名,压缩的和片段文件。The FREEWARE utility supports long filenames , compressed and fragmented files.

好好围观一下这张清单吧,敲下算盘,看看要是用这些免费软件的话您能省下多少银子。Check out this list and find out how much money you can save by using freeware apps.

因此,代码中使用必须有可用的免费软件程序,让我来编辑它。Therefore the code used must have freeware programs available to enable me to edit it.

可以在线选择多种免费应用软件,供大多数X10控制器使用。A wide selection of freeware applications for use with most X10 controllers are available online.

下面,你会发现所有的最好的免费软件下载和评论的最好的网站的集合。Below, you will find a collection of best websites for all the best freeware downloads and reviews.

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一个免费的计划,估计马力需要做出削减金属加工撰写的吉姆塔特尔。A freeware program to estimate the Horse Power needed to make a machining cut in metal, written by Jim Tuttle.

是一个便携式的免费软件,你可以还原文件和文件夹中删除的分区。PartitionRecovery is a portable freeware with which you can restore files and also folders in the deleted partitions.

敏感的5800是一个高度上瘾的免费游戏的第5版装置,混合热行动棘手难题。Sensitive 5800 is a highly addictive freeware gamer for 5th edition devices that mixes hot action with tricky puzzles.