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温迪麦克尼尔的黑安格斯的音乐录像。Music video for Wendy McNeill's "Black Angus".

我希望你能离小安古斯远一点你听明白了吗?I want you to stay away from young Angus . Do you understand?

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这些安格斯牛和海福特牛都来自他家乡蒙大拿州的农场。The Angus and Hereford cattle came from ranches in his home state of Montana.

安格斯牛和赫里福德种牛是从他的家乡蒙大拿州农场运来的。The Angus and Hereford cattle came from ranches in his home state of Montana.

第五位“富童”就是电视剧演员安格斯·琼斯。The fifth rich kid under 16 in the entertainment world is television actor Angus T. Jones.

那天的晚餐我们享用了Rick美味的黑安格斯烤肉排以及家养的蒙大拿牌牛肉。Dinner was Rick's delicious Black Angus steaks and burgers of home-grown Montana Branded Beef.

这情形,让埃姆斯伍斯老爷联想起自己在安格思·麦卡利斯特面前的表现。The sight reminded Lord Emsworth of his own behaviour when in the presence of Angus McAllister.

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当我们在欣赏英语歌的时候,他们非常喜欢看一只小老鼠津津有味的吃着饼干,所以他们也把这个有趣的动作演出来了。Angus and Lee loved the video we watched where a mouse ate a cookie, so they re-enacted it many times.

精选优质牛肉精配进口蓝芝士、烤红椒和新鲜有机蔬菜!Ridgefield Farms & Angus Beef topped with imported blue cheese, grilled red pepper and organic vegetables!

所以他要求普林斯顿大学的安格斯迪顿带领一个经济师小组进行独立调查。So he asks the group of economists led by Angus Deaton at Princeton University to do an independent study.

所以他要求由普林斯顿大学的安格斯·顿领导的一组经济学家进行独立的研究。So he asked a group of economists, led by Angus Deaton at Princeton University, to do an independent study.

无论是古伊洛还是安格斯弗莱彻,他们都在研究弥尔顿最爱的一首诗中和他相关的问题。Both Guillory and Angus Fletcher are examining the troubled relation of Milton to one of his favorite poets.

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说回安格斯和他的同类,各位先生、女士,请举杯,敬一对璧人!So back to Angus and those sheep. So, ladies and gentlemen, if you'd raise your glasses. The adorable couple.

Stelzer喜欢为老人们烹饪那些能让他们想起家的食品——土豆烧肉、安格斯牛肉、猪腰子。Stelzer likes to cook the seniors things that remind them of home — meat and potatoes, angus beef, pork loin.

多亏有了科学家罗伯特·安格斯·史密斯,煤烟笼罩下的曼彻斯特才能目睹现代环保思想的诞生。Sooty Manchester witnessed the birth of modern environmental concerns thanks to the scientist Robert Angus Smith.

几分钟后,数百只黑色的安格斯牛就把我们围了起来,看上去就像在开怒气冲冲的牛议会会议。Within minutes, several hundred Black Angus cattle had gathered around us like some huffing bovine council meeting.

黑亮的身躯,象牙的唇颚及马蹄,安格斯是梅莉达强健的坐骑、忠诚的伙伴。Black as night with ivory muzzle and fetlocks, Angus is Merida's powerful Clydesdale and her most trusted confidant.

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结果表明,胚移后的安格斯种公牛对鄂西北地区的环境条件是可以适应的。Results showed that the transferred Angus embryos bulls had a good adaptability to the environment in Northwest of Hubei.

布朗的研究挑战了安格斯·J·贝特曼在1948年所做的对于果蝇交配习惯的研究。Brown's study challenges the research of Angus J. Bateman, who in 1948 conducted a study on the mating habits of fruit flies.

布朗的研究挑战了安格斯·J·贝特曼在1948年所做的对于果蝇交配习惯的研究。Brown's study challenges the research of Angus J. Bateman , who in 1948 conducted a study on the mating habits of fruit flies.