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想想吉普赛小提琴,想想响板,想想斗牛舞。Think gypsy violins. Think castanets.

她血管里流的是纯吉卜赛人的血液。She has pure gypsy blood in her veins.

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吉卜赛人打算留居镇上。The gypsy was inclined to stay in the town.

蜘蛛也袭击令人害怕的舞毒蛾。Spiders also attack the much-feared gypsy moth.

她是个淑女,细腻又华丽,不像有如吉普赛人的我。She was lady, lace and cameo, not the gypsy that is me.

他们那二手的胡子,由母舞毒蛾织就。Their secondhand beards were spun by female gypsy moths.

我必须再度出航,前往吉普赛式的漂荡。I must down to the seas again, to the vagrant gypsy life.

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我去告诉玛丽娅和吉普赛人怎样侍弄这些马。I will tell maria and the gypsy how to handle the horses.

如其他的许多吉普赛孩子一样,他们也遭受欺凌。And like so many other Gypsy children, they faced bullying.

她娇小玲珑,有吉卜赛人的美。Delicately built and slim, she had a gypsy beauty about her.

吉普赛人居住地的蛾子携带寄生虫,而吉普赛人的出租车都是非法运营。Gypsy moths are parasitic, and gypsy cabs operate illegally.

我必须重回大海的怀抱,回到浪迹天涯的无拘生活。I must go down to the seas again, to the vagrant Gypsy life.

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我得重下海去,生活像漂泊的吉卜赛人一样。I must go down to the seas again, to the vagrant gypsy life.

这些都会让你看起来就像迷人的吉普赛人。These will transform your look into a glamorous gypsy style.

娜佳是个吉普赛姑娘,与同部落的人一起住在森林里。Naja was a Gypsy girl who lived in the forest with her tribe.

乐声飘渺,在我的吉普赛旅行车中缭绕。His music will fill the air of my gypsy wagon indeterminately.

今天早上这个宁静的吉普赛聚居地受到了巨大的惊扰。This morning a great disturbance invaded the peaceful gypsy settlement.

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等等,你们跟在巨大纸镇里的那个绿色疯吉普赛人讲过话了吗?。Have you been talking to that crazy green gypsy in the giant paperweight?

匆匆离开了他的吉普赛车,急忙给王子一些面包。Hurriedly the gypsy left his cart, hastening to give the prince some bread.

吉卜赛女孩然后把她衣服脱了,坐在那里的少女已。The gypsy girl then took her clothes off and sat where the maiden had been.