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我们可以做些什么呢?permanency. What can be done about it?

另外,稳定感也是缺乏的。There is also the lack of a sense of permanency.

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从持久性的立场来看,先薄后厚是比较安全的。Thick paint over thin is also safer from the standpoint of permanency.

你申请的职位是长期的,或只是暂时的?。Is the post you have applied for a permanency or is it just a temporary?

持久只是个因时间流逝而生的观念。时间则取决于记忆。Permanency is a mere idea, born of the action of time. Time again depends of memory.

为了使你们的联邦有效力,能持久,一个代表全体的政府是不可少的。To the efficacy and permanency of your union a government for the whole is indispensable.

目的为提高安装永久性心脏起搏器的临床疗效。Objective To enhance therapeutic efficiency of the implanted permanency cardiac pacemaker.

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就像它拒斥现存秩序的永久性一样,它必定也排拒没有可能性的秩序选项。It must reject improbable alternatives just as it rejects the permanency of the existing order.

你的所谓持久是指无期无误的记忆。你想头脑永垂不朽根本没可能。By permanency you mean unfailing memory through endless time. You want to eternalise the mind, which is not possible.

在灰暗国度,灰暗或者黑暗是永恒的,变化只是一瞬间的事,不留任何真实的痕迹。In the grey countries, there is a grey or dark permanency , over whose surface passes change ephemeral, leaving no real mark.

使用者原本可以依赖恒定不变的菜单来掌握在屏幕上的方位,菜单的改变彻底冲走了这种依赖感。Users depend on the permanency of menus to help keep them oriented on the screen. Changing the menus bleeds away this reliability.

当然,对艺术家来说,保存永久的艺术形式是一个问题,比如说,史前艺术家以前在山洞的石灰墙上创造作品,但现在不会有人这么做了。Of course permanency has been a problem for artists since the first prehistory artist scratched into a chalk wall in a French cave.

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理解及文字上,我觉得一切都是短暂。但我内心总希望恒久。我想创造一些持久的什麽。Intellectually, verbally, I am aware that all is transient. Yet, somehow my heart wants permanency. I want to create something that lasts.

时尚艺术注重艺术作品价值的时效性,而经典艺术则更注重艺术作品价值的恒久性。Fashion art values the time effect of the value of the art works while classic art value more of the permanency of the value of the art works.

被采访者的观点认为ASFA将亲属关怀对于某一类得不到持续照料的儿童的必要性提高到了一个新的高度。It was the perception of respondents that ASFA made kinship care even more necessary for certain groups of children for whom permanency was difficult to achieve.

你们自己的时间结构将你们误导至你们的物质事物的相对永久的观念,而你们对它之内连续不断的变化却视而不见。Your own time structure misleads you into your ideas of the relative permanency of physical matter, and you close your eyes to the constant alterations within it.

随着科学的发展和技术的进步,国内外大中型露天矿已将边坡与开采境界由过去的“相对固定”变为动态优化管理。With the development and progress of science and technology, the slopes and mining boundary have been changed from"relative permanency " to dynamically optimized management.