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我们愿意提供新技术和配套药剂。We would like to provide the new technique and relevant medicament.

对皮质激素类药物及咪唑类药物过敏者禁用。Those allergic to corticoid and imidazole medicament are forbidden to use.

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地西他滨是用于降低甲基化的常用药物。Decitabine is the most common medicament used to reduce the level of methylation.

脂质体作为药物载体的研究,已取得了重大进展。Great achievement has been acquired by research of liposome as medicament carrier.

采用药剂调控可显著控制幼苗徒长,提高秧苗素质。Medicament regulation can control over growth of seedlings and improve seedling quality.

此项发明系治疗习惯性自然流产之医学方法。The present invention relates to a medicament for treating recurrent spontaneous abortion.

药剂啲环境介面友好、处理效能稳定。The efficacy stabilizes upright amicable , handle face to face of the medicament environment.

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药剂的环境介面友好、处理效能稳定。The efficacy stabilizes upright amicable , handle face to face of the medicament environment.

目前,药物的治疗和预防依然是气喘病的主要控制措施。At present, the medicament therapy and prevention are principal methods to control this disease.

我国目前控制蝗虫危害的手段主要是采用化学药剂来降低虫口密度。At present, means to control locusts harm is chemical medicament which can reduce insect density.

新的药名学要保持以上的原则,同时要更加系统化,且为全球广泛接受。New Medicament Nomenclature will keep above rules. It will be more systematic and globalaccepted.

获犹他州盐湖城大学的药剂学士和医学博士学位。He has got the bachelor of medicament and doctor of medicine from salt lake city university, utah.

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本发明之衍生物可做为抗过敏、发炎、抗肿瘤之药物使用。The derivative of the invention can act as anti-allergic, anti-inflammation and antineoplastic medicament.

由于市场上没有成熟的专用药剂及配套使用技术,造成杂草危害严重,甚至草荒。For the absence of appropriative medicament and technique in the market, the harm of weed becomes prosperous.

胶原蛋白是一种功能性蛋白,广泛应用于医疗和食品工业中。Collagens is one kind of functional proteins with extensive application in medicament and food industry fields.

氨基酸取代的苯甲酰胍,其制备方法,用途及含有它们的药物。Amino acid substituted benzoylguanidines, process for their preparation, their use and medicament containing them.

目的了解我院门诊复诊精神病人BZD类药品的使用情况和疗效评定。Objective To understand the usage and curative effect of BZD Medicament in outpatient with recrudescing Psychoses.

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本发明涉及一种中药制剂,即一种治疗小儿遗尿症的足浴药物。The invention relates to a Chinese drugs preparation, namely a foot-bath medicament for treating nocturnal enuresis.

抗感染药物――大环内酯类衍生物及其制备和用途。The invention relates to an anti-infective medicament macrolides derivative and preparation and application thereof.

药物的合理利用与人们的健康水平密切相关,也是医院现代化管理的重要组成部分。Reasonable utilization of medicament is related to people's health level, and part of management in modern hospitals.