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他讲话时带着鼻音。He spoke with a nasal twang.

黄油里肯定有一股怪味儿。There certainly was a twang.

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他说话的时候,鼻音很重。He speaks with a heavy twang.

突然,他听到一下轻微的“铛”声。Suddenly he heard a faint twang.

我缓慢唱起来,带着一点鼻音。I sang it slowly, not without a little twang.

我并没有完全丢掉我的德州口音。Well I didn’t lose my Taxes Twang completely.

当她开始说话后,她的声音中带着尖尖的鼻音。When she spoke, her voice had a high-pitched, nasal twang.

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“我们就这样输了,”他带着德克萨斯鼻音悲伤的说。"This thing is done, " he said in a sorrowful Texas twang.

斯梅德利夫人的声音非常柔和,带有中西部口音。She has a friendly voice with a distinct Midwestern twang. Mrs.

华丽的成熟红色水果香气,迸发出一丝药草和香料的气息。Sumptuous ripe red fruitsare enveloped by a twang of provençale herbs and spice.

布希本身讲话也有德州鼻音腔,但他说他并未让人家知道他是美国人。Bush, who himself has a Texas twang , said he did not let on that he was an American.

本店地特别配方是一种清爽红茶与拜恩私室来自肯尼亚地高海拔农场。Our Special Blend is a refreshing black tea blended with a twang from our high altitude farms in Kenya.

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它听到了弓弦声音,以为又有人要射它,所以拼命想飞走。And when it heard the twang of the string, it thought someone was going to shoot it again. So it tried hard to fly away.

确实,我们变得异常警觉,远远听到冬不拉的琴弦声,就把我们给吓跑了,根本不可能把我们装进猎袋里去。Indeed, so wary did we become that the twang of the Tambura, from a distance, scared us away and utterly failed to bag us.

这大概就像是人们在专注于听餐桌对面的那个鼻音很重的人说话时的反应。Humans probably do something similar when we're focusing on a guy with a nasal twang on the other side of the guacamole dip.

他的言谈中一直传递出土耳其人和阿拉伯人分享著相同情绪,这在以前的土耳其是从未发生过的。His message of how Turks and Arabs twang to the same emotions would have seemed alien to a previous Turkey, friendly with its U.

她寻求庇护下与宋被烧毁的仓库,并在黑暗的俱乐部承诺吉他弦声和一个寂寞的哭了起来。She sought refuge with song under burnt-out warehouses and in darkened clubs with the promise of guitar twang and a lonesome cry.

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从远处看,战神1号火箭并不讨人喜欢-一根细长的白杆子,看上去几乎会在佛罗里达的风中铮铮作响。From a distance, the rocket is unprepossessing — a slender white stalk that looks almost as if it would twang in the Florida wind.

她们看见奶牛场老板克里克先生在屋子里直跺脚,原来是他收到了一位顾客的来信,信中抱怨他生产的黄油带有一股怪味。Dairyman Crick was discovered stamping about the house. He had received a letter, in which a customer had complained that the butter had a twang.

在今年的三月,来自普林茅斯的沙拉科尔维尔,也患有严重的头痛,有一天当她醒来的时候她原本的西部乡村的鼻音不见了,取而代之的竟然是中国口音!In March this year Sarah Colwill, from Plymouth, lost her local West Country twang when she woke up with a Chinese accent following a severe migraine.