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约路易斯维尔提供新闻资讯。Offers information and news about Louisville.

路易斯维尔制造球棒已经很久了。Louisville Slugger has been manufacturing bats for some time.

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马克收到广管局在政治学,由路易斯维尔大学。Mark received a BA in Political Science from the University of Louisville.

美国肯塔基州西北部的一个社区,是路易斯维尔市的一个郊区。人口18,902。A community of northwest Kentucky, a suburb of Louisville. Population, 18,902.

Summers在肯塔基州路易斯维尔大学进行试验研究。Mr. Summers learned about experimental research at the University of Louisville in Kentucky.

她接受了在Kosair残障儿童的在路易斯维尔市医院的地位。She accepted a position at the Kosair Crippled Children's Hospital in the city of Louisville.

路易斯维尔的公立学校努力跟上涌入的外国出生居民的需要。Louisville public schools have struggled to keep up with the influx of foreign-born residents.

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路易斯维尔是肯塔基州的最大城市,人口大约为72万2千人。Louisville is the largest city in the state of Kentucky with an estimated population of 722,000.

美国路易斯维尔以南肯塔基中部一城市,当地有许多战前的房子。人口18,167。A city of central Kentucky south of Louisville. It has many antebellum houses. Population, 18,167.

那些来路易斯维尔取经的教练坐在看台上目睹这无止息的训练,不禁绝望。The coaches who came to Louisville sat in the stands and watched that ceaseless activity and despaired.

然而,有时球棒往往就是不在手边,聪明的女孩会使做别的事情。However, sometimes a Louisville Slugger isn't available but a smart girl will make do with something else.

全国的中小学和大学也参与了这个活动,包括路易斯维尔大学。Schools and universities across the country are also participating, including the University of Louisville.

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路易斯维尔大学的Dryden说,新药很方便,这点可能会吸引患者。Dryden, the University of Louisville professor, said that the new drug's convenience may appeal to patients.

六月里她就跟芝加哥的汤姆。布坎农结了婚,婚礼之隆重豪华是路易斯维尔前所未闻的。In June she married Tom Buchanan of Chicago, with more pomp and circumstance than Louisville ever knew before.

只是在星期一,一个2岁的小母马死在丘吉尔唐斯在路易斯维尔碰撞后,与另一马。Just on Monday, a 2-year-old filly died at Churchill Downs in Louisville following a collision with another horse.

希拉里克林顿在肯塔基州路易斯维尔宣布她在这个州的初选当中以二比一的比例战胜巴拉克奥巴马。Hillary Clinton, speaking in Louisville , Kentucky, celebrated her two-to-one victory over Barack Obama in the state.

李萌羽博士于2008年赴美国路易斯维尔大学做访问学者期间,对传播学系的资深教授克罗伯特•圣•克莱尔博士做了深度访谈。In her visit to Louisville University in 2008, Dr. Li Mengyu had an in-depth interview with Professor Robert St. Clair.

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我用棒砸了他的两个前车灯,在四个车轮胎上各留下一个洞。也许下一次他在欺骗之前会想到这些。I took a Louisville slugger to both headlights, slashed a hole in all 4 tires. Maybe next time he'll think before he cheats.

在周日中西部赛区的决赛中如果路易斯维尔队击败密歇根州立大学队,将使整个东部又有一支球队进入四强。If Louisville beat Michigan State in the Midwest Regional final on Sunday, it would give the Big East another team in the Final Four.

路易斯维尔职业棒球小联盟比赛队的经理杰克•克罗尔既吸鼻烟也食口嚼烟,于1993年5月患舌癌。Jack Krol, manager of a Louisville Minor League team and a user of both snuff and chewing tobacco, got cancer of his tongue in May 1993.