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鱼的哲学?A Fishy Philosophy?

他的故事听起来可疑。His story sounds fishy.

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这事很跷蹊。There's something fishy about it.

鱼味沙拉有益心脏健康?Fishy Salad for Better Heart Health?

这事儿准有猫腻儿。There is something fishy behind this.

同别人握手要显得亲切,不要冷若冰霜。Let your handshake be firm, not fishy.

去除了鱼类原有的鱼腥味,变得更为容易饮用。It's easier to drink with no fishy taste.

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整个事情使我觉得有点蹊跷。The whole shebang smells sort of fishy to me.

现在我的衬衣闻起来都有股鱼腥味,袜子也脏死了。My shirt smells fishy and I’m wearing filthy socks.

这种鱼油没有讨厌的鱼腥味。I hate fish and this has no fishy tast what so ever.

我的手指今天特别腥,不知道你想不想闻一下。My fingers are extra fishy today, if you care to take a whiff.

而白港是一个渔妇,她闻起来有海盐、凛风与鱼腥。She smells like the salted ocean, cool air and a little fishy.

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与其他低分子量的胺类相似,它闻起来有鱼腥味。Similar to other low-molecular-weight amines, it has a fishy odor.

最新鲜和最高品质的鱼油不应该尝起来有腥味。The freshest and highest-quality fish oils should not taste fishy.

这些鱼类事件同时让人想起了不列颠的桦尺蠖。These fishy cases are reminiscent of the peppered moth in Britain.

所有的海鸟——海鸥也罢,海鹅也罢,都靠食鱼而生,连肉都带鱼腥味了。Live on fish, fishy flesh they have, all seabirds, gulls, seagoose.

而鱼腥味则表示有肝脏疾病。Liver disease, by contrast, often causes the breath to smell fishy.

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程超群在洗着衣服上的鱼腥味,程曦拿了牛奶过来。Cheng supergroup fishy in washing the clothes, Cheng Xi took the milk.

我可不信有鬼,但肯定有什么可疑的东西。I don’t believe in ghosts, but there must be something fishy going on.

我们的孩子没有提到鱼味儿。Neither of my children have ever mentioned a fishy taste or fish burps.