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我喜欢牛头犬。I like bulldog.

我有一只英国牛头犬。I have an English Bulldog.

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我想买一条哈巴狗。I’m going to get a bulldog.

她的嘴向恶犬一般。Her jaws are like a bulldog.

关于澳大利亚牛头犬蚁On the bulldog ant of Australia

但是玛丽的牙齿想恶狗一样。But Mary's teeth are like a bulldog.

‘他们放开了牛头狗,它咬住我啦!’They have let the bulldog loose, and he holds me!

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我们可以这样,这就成了,斗牛犬华尔兹We could do this and we'd have the "Waltz of the Bulldog."

它开始狂吠,不肯停下,它是巴特家的斗牛狗。It began barking and wouldn't stop. It was the Barts' bulldog.

紧紧抓住斗牛犬,尽可能多的去塞咀嚼和吞咽。Hold on with a bulldog grip, and chew and choke as much as possible.

俄罗斯圣彼得堡,一只英国牛头犬装扮完毕准备参加狗狗秀。An English Bulldog dressed is readied or for a dog show in St. Petersburg, Russia.

沃克中将身材短小、粗壮,在朋友面前很有男人味,在媒体面前则显得很好斗。Walker, a short, stubby man, was "Johnnie" to his friends, "Bulldog" to the press.

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现代美国斗牛犬在当时是作为一种农场多用型犬种存在的。The general purpose of the modern American Bulldog was to serve as a farm utility dog.

这是一个健康,运动,低维修斗牛犬与照顾,很少能抵抗。This is a healthy, athletic, low-maintenance bulldog with the look that few can resist.

丹尼尔·“左轮手枪”·诺瓦塞克被塞昂捉住地时候飞地是什么机型?What kind of ship is Daniel "Bulldog" Novacek flying when he is captured by the Cylons?

爱犬俱乐部表示,去年新进榜的是法国斗牛犬及哈瓦那犬。New to the list for 2005 were the French bulldog and the Havanese, the kennel club said.

山谷斗牛犬需要运动,以维持肌肉张力,和所有周围的健康状况良好。The Valley Bulldog requires exercise to maintain muscle tone and all-around good health.

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但周一那天他很清醒,因为他夺得了“最靓斗牛犬选美大赛”的冠军。He was wide-awake Monday, though, when he was crowned winner of a "Beautiful Bulldog" contest.

训练以外,里色尔还要工作、上学并且照顾两只狗,一只斗拳狗,一只杂种斗牛犬。That training is in addition to work, school and caring for two dogs, a boxer and a bulldog mix.

我们就是要找有着汉纳那样的脸、那样流着口水、可以吸引你的狗。We're the looking for the bulldog that has that face, that drool, that personality that can charm you.