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马健是谁?Who is Ma Jian?

美术老师马先生。Art teacher Mr Ma.

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马洪刚也算是!Ma Honggang is also!

她甚至跟妈妈这样说过。She even told Ma so.

马策在一篇随笔中写到。Ma wrote in an essay.

非常感谢,马老师。Thanks a lot, Miss Ma.

喂,我是马东。Hello, this is Ma Dong.

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马莉莉的尺子是长的。Ma Lili's ruler is long.

这是青马大桥。This is Tsing Ma Bridge.

马跃满肚子的话说不出。Ma Yueman belly words out.

马老师见到我们很高兴。Mrs Ma was glad to see us.

马送陈一个精美的瓷器。Ma gave Chen a fine porcelain.

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下一站是马鞍山。The next station is Ma On Shan.

祝大家母亲节快乐。日日都快心。Happy mother's day to all ma ma.

马旭是个长途司机。Ma Xu is a long-distance driver.

马予婷是个勤奋的女孩。Ma Yuting is a hardworking girl.

真想念你,我的好友,马军。Really miss you, my friends, Ma.

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优玛除疤有用吗?Does actor Ma divide scar useful?

马良很喜欢画画。Ma Liang liked drawing very much.

顺口溜马是还年轻的心。Jingle Ma is still young at heart.