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最后,就保障性设计中的费用权衡问题提出了几点建议。Then the paper gives some advice of supportability project on budget problem.

可用性设计是装备综合保障分析的重要内容。Availability project is the main task for arms' integrated supportability analysis.

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度量系统的“可支持性”是很难量化但又是不可缺少的。Harder to quantify but still essential is measuring the "supportability" of the system.

基于任务成功性的任务剖面将为保障性工程的开展奠定基础。The success-oriented mission profile will become the basis of supportability engineering.

后者与装备固有可靠性、维修性及保障资源有关。The latter correlates with inherent reliability, maintainability and supportability resource of weapon.

这些工业激光器的可靠性、可支持性和可维护性已经过了充分的证明。These industrial lasers have demonstrated exceedingly high reliability, supportability and maintainability.

质量度量,包括性能、可量测性,以及可支持性度量,另外还有传统的缺陷度量。Quality measures, including performance, scalability, and supportability measures in addition to traditional defect measures.

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建模与仿真技术在装备保障性工程领域的应用取得了良好的效果。Effective applications have been achieved through modeling and simulation in the field of integrated supportability engineering.

混凝土结构内部若存在不密实区或空洞等缺陷,必然会严重影响结构的承载能力和耐久性。If there are lacunas or holes in concrete structure, it will affect the supportability and endurance of concrete structure seriously.

2000现代化计划的目的是,增强部署在巴西军用机场的PAR-2000精确着陆雷达系统的支撑能力。The PAR-2000 modernization program is designed to enhance supportability of the system deployed at military airfields throughout Brazil.

完不成保障性安居工程建设任务的城市,一律不得兴建和购置政府办公用房。To finish supportability project construction of city living task, are not allowed to build and purchase the government office premises.

所有的需求都要与可支持性相关——一旦发布,将影响这个系统将为之服务并支持它的事情。All requirements related to supportability -- things that affect the way that the system will be serviced and supported once it is released

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舰炮武器系统保障性评价存在模糊性和不确定性,从而影响到其保障性设计。There maybe fuzziness and uncertainty in supportability assessment of naval gun weapon system so as to have influence on its supportability design.

提高新型导弹装备综合保障能力,是尽快形成其战斗力的重要途径。It is an important way to improve the integrated supportability of new-type missile equipment for forming the fighting capacity as soon as possible.

补充需求实际上通常是技术方面的,并且可以是关联于功能、可用性、可靠性、性能以及可支持性。Supplementary requirements are usually technical in nature and can pertain to functionality, usability, reliability, performance, and supportability.

通过对舰炮武器系统的分析,建立舰炮武器系统综合保障性能评价的指标体系。Through analyzing the naval gun weapon system, this paper establishes the index system of evaluating the naval gun weapon system integrated supportability.

最后总结出我国装备保障性工程领域建模与仿真存在的问题,并对建模与仿真在该领域的发展提出了建议。In the end the paper presents the demerits of our modeling and simulation in the integrated supportability engineering and puts forward some advice as well.

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尔后,本研究结果可以提供技职教育辅导实务之参考,未来亦可运用不同研究取向作深入探究。The test results demonstrate that the factors of supportability , emotional stability, and academic esteem could be effective predictive variables to the empirical data.

为提高舰船综合保障能力,建立基于效费分析的舰船装备维修级别综合决策模型。An integrated decision-making model in LORA of ship equipment was developed based on benefit-cost analysis, in order to improve ship integrated supportability of our country.

生态和谐是构建和谐社会的前提和基础,生态和谐为和谐社会的发展提供了环境基础和资源保障。Ecological harmony is the premise and basis of building a harmonious society. It provides environmental foundation and resource supportability for the development of harmonious society.